JAMES POTTER ~ First Time For Everything

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Request from anonymous :) Your name is, by request, is Gabriela Delgado so yuh but it's only mentioned, like, once or twice

"Now let's go get some waffles."


It was the 31st of December- New Years Eve. You were staying with your boyfriend James over the holidays and you had definitely made the most of it. James and his parents, who absolutely loved you, had spoilt you rotten even though you asked them not to. Unfortunately, the didn't listen.

It was your first Ney Years with James and he planned to make it the best. The two of you were going to travel into London and celebrate it by the River Thames (A/N I'm from London and the New Years celebrations are AMAZING! Just search up 'london new years' on YouTube and watch it! Around 3 million people turn up! That's literally 5% of England's population! It's great! Omg forget school.. you have your own Geography teacher right here) James' parents had gone to some fancy dinner party and trusted you to be good all on your own in London. 'You' being the key word. They knew James was very irresponsible so were also trusting you to not let him wander of on his own.

Like the time you went to Italy with him and he saw someone cooking just spaghetti and wondered off to look. In conclusion, it resulted in a slap on the head by his mum whilst saying 'young man, you never show me this much interest when I cook you spaghetti.'

James had forced you to get all dressed up but you couldn't be bothered. It was his chance for him to see you in a short dress, with makeup and giving him an excuse to get horny. But it was December, in England. You would freeze. But James persuaded you and said he would give you his jacket if you got cold. He was cute.


You had just arrived at the river and to be honest, you looked great. Well, you always looked great. James had gotten dressed into a suit and was very much against it but was forced to by his mum. You didn't complain though, he looked very attractive.

"Princess, I'm going to buy us some of those waffles," James pecked you on the cheek. He gave you a look when you gave him a look, "Oh calm down, the stall is literally two meters away and in your eyes sight- I won't wander off."

"Fine," you rolled your eyes.

You stood alone for a while, waiting for James. That was until some older boy came up to you.

"Hello, gorgeous," he smirked, eyeing you up and down, "The name's Tom (never trust a boy named Tom unless their last name is Holland, Felton or Hiddleston) and you are...?"

"Disgusted," you rolled your eyes (I don't know how many of you got that Modern Family reference but if you did then ily bestie :) )

"Oh, beautiful and funny," he smirked resting a hand on you shoulder that was gradually moving further and further down, "What else are you?" he winked.

"Way too young for you," you smiled sarcastically at him, getting seriously uncomfortable.

Where was James? Oh shit. James. You had to keep an eye on him. You quickly glanced to the waffle stall, glad to see that he hadn't wandered off. However, you would be much more glad if he was here. With you. Instead of some drunk, illegal, overage pervert.

"Is that so?" he sniggered, "Well I'm sure you won't be saying that if I give you a, let's say, good time tonight." His hand was now tight on your waist and no matter how hard you tried to get away from him, you couldn't.

"So, gorgeous, are you alone tonight?" he grinned.

"Actually, yes, I-"

"What the hell is going on here?" you heard the voice of James snap. The hand immediately removed from your waist as Tom looked towards James. James could be scary at times and he was now but it didn't do much considering he was holding a plate of waffles with whipped cream and chocolate sauce in one hand and a stick of candy floss in the other. (again, from the UK where we call it candy floss. I can't go naming all the different ways countries name candy floss so I'll only do it for the countries where I get most of my readers from. Candy floss is cotton candy for some people and fairy floss for others.)

You wanted James to actually look intimidating so you took the candy floss and waffles out of his hand.

"And who do you think you are?" snarled Tom.

"Me? I'm someone who's strongly restraining themselves from punching you," growled James.

"Oh yeah?" smirked the older boy. "Give it all you got. I can take it."

"I won't. But my girlfriend will," James smirked.

Tom looked confused, "Girlfriend?"

You handed the food over to James before tapping the boy on the shoulder, causing him to turn around.

"That would be me," you grinned before punching him in the gut. He bellowed in pain.

"Bitch!" he yelled.

"Oh, don't be such a baby, that was my gentle punch. And I thought you could take it."

He was about to respond but stopped when James dumped the plate of waffles on his head. Covered in dessert, Tom walked away quickly.

James looked at you, "Shame- I was looking forward to eating those."

He grinned before becoming concerned and running over to hug you, "Oh, darling, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, love. Nothing I can't handle," you said into his chest. He stroked you hair and kissed the top of your head.

"I'm so sorry, gorgeous. I should have been there and never have left you. I won't do it anymore."

And that he didn't. He stayed with you until the countdown.

At ten seconds to midnight, hundreds of thousands of voices in London by the Thames started counting down.

"TEN!" everyone yelled. James wrapped his arm tight around your waist and pulled you closer.


"I love you, Gabriela Delgado," he muttered into you ear.


"I love you more, James Potter."


"That's impossible!" he grinned at you, his glasses falling off the tip of his nose slightly, making him look adorable.


"I think it's rather possible!" your smirk became bigger.


"Oh yeah?" he whispered into your hair, his voice low.


"Yeah," you teased.


"Then why don't you show me?" he smirked, his arm wrapping closer around your waist.


"I think I just might," you teased, bringing your face closer to his.

"One," James whispered.

"Happy New Year," you whispered back before connecting your lips against his. Your hands went up to his hair whilst your fingers entangled themselves in his locks. He dipped you down slightly like in the muggle movies and pulled you even closer, if that was possible.

You pulled away when you heard the fireworks go off and looked up at the sky. You turned to James who was looking up too, the bright colours of the fireworks reflecting in his beautiful hazel orbs.

He turned to you and rested his forehead against yours.

"Happy New Year, darling," he smiled.

"Happy New Year, Potter," you grinned back.

"Now let's go get some waffles."


okkkk so at the time this is published, it's April so why I decided to write one set in December/January is beyond me. I got some of my inspirtation for the countdown section from KalaylaJo  so GO READ HER BOOKS THEY'RE GREAT! Especially for people who like Marvel, Tom Holland, Draco or simp for a bunch of fictional character or celebrities that won't ever notice our existence 😃🔫

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