JAMES POTTER ~ Mrs. Potter

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"Well, hello there, Mrs. Potter," smirked Sirius as he plopped down on the couch next to you.

"Don't call me that," you groaned as you carried on reading a book for homework.

"No, I'll pass," Sirius chuckled as he draped an arm across your shoulder.

"You know, Karina, you should just admit that you're absolutely head over heels in love with our dear friend and we'll just stop," joined in Remus as he laid across the sofa and rested his head your lap.

"Oh, shut up, you two. I don't even fancy James. I don't even know where you got that idea fro-"

"Maybe because you blush whenever he talks."

"And you stutter."

"And you always stare at him."

"And you do that weird thing with your hair you do whenever you like someone."

"And you wrote it in your diary-"

"I don't have a diary," you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Yes, of course-" started Remus.

"-but if you did there would be pages on just his glasses," finished Sirius. You blushed and looked away. Yes, of course they were right. But you weren't going to tell them that. They would get rather cocky if they knew they won some type of disagreement.

"Aw, look Pads, she's blushing!" smirked Remus as he poked your cheek. You slapped his hand away, "No, I'm not. I'm just feeling hot."

"Because your thinking about James?"



"Ok, Karina, whatever helps you snore at night," spoke Sirius.

"I don't snore!" you shouted. These two were getting on your nerves.

"No, you're right. My apologies. Obviously you don't snore. What was I thinking? Now that I think about it, it's just your cat," smiled Sirius innocently.

"What? I don't have a c- oh, ha ha, you're hilarious-"

"I always try-"

"-but I don't snore."

"Mhm ok."

"You two are impossible," you grumbled, "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like him in that way?"

"Like who that way?" you heard a voice.

You turned around and saw, of course, James Potter looking at you questioningly.

You blushed, "O-oh, uhm, I- well- n-no one!"



You heard Remus and Sirius whisper quiet enough for only you to hear. You hit Sirius on the knee while smacking Remus' forehead lightly, his head still resting on your lap, all while still looking at James.

"Ow!" groaned Remus as he sat up.

"You alright, Moony?" laughed James.

"Oh, what?" asked Remus, "Oh yeah, just felt a sudden pain in my head."

You turned to him, "That's unfortunate, is it not?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Okay...? Anyway, I'm off to bed, we got over-worked in Quidditch today. 'Night, guys. Goodnight, Karina."

He gave you that gorgeous smile of his before going up to the dorms.

Once Sirius was positive that he was out of hearing range, he turned to you.

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