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A lot of you asked for a part 2 to the previous story and I'm using a lot of ideas from you guys too! :) The original person who requested the story was @MadamWeeb ! :) There's a few POV's in this so I'm going to say the names.

P.S I'm using mainly references from the books and some from the movies.

"What do you mean I left you?! I didn't ask to be murdered in the middle of the evening for fun!"


(this is when everyone finds out that Rose and James Potter are dead and you HAVE to pretend that Rose was just like Lily- she was Sev's best friend but then the whole mudblood thing happened and ya know the drill and he loved her and yeah)

Severus Snape:

What did I do? It's all my fault. Rose. My best friend- dead. Gone. All thank to me. I pushed her away, I lost her friendship and now... I'm as good as her murderer. I'm the reason my best friend is dead. I'm the reason the love of my life is no longer here. 

Is there anything I'll not miss? Dear Lord. No. Her smile. Oh, her smile. It could light up a room. And her eyes, I could stare at them all bloody day! And her beautiful hair... she was perfect. And now anything that could be called 'perfect' is gone for she was all that was perfect. 

Yet, the girl whom I loved, had the name of someone I loathed. Potter. But who am I kidding? She loved him. She loved everything about him. Not at first of course. I was so close to calling her mine. Then he had to come in all high and mighty and ruin it.

I still recall Dumbledore's words. Dumbledore's truthful, honest words:

"You disgust me."

Words that stabbed me constantly like knives. I disgust myself. I didn't do enough to protect her and now, she's gone. 

But it's still so clear the day I destroyed it with Rose:

"Filthy mudblood."

How dare I say such words to her? She was my other half! She made me laugh, she made me cry, she made me pissed, she made me exhausted beyond measure.

She made me love her.

My thoughts were interrupted as I walked around the battered house of the Potter's and I looked inside a bedroom.

My heart could have stopped beating. There she was. Rose. Her lifeless body laying carelessly on the ground while her eyes stared into nothingness. Behind her, a crying baby, looking just like Potter, but his eyes...his eyes were a replica of Rose's. 

I fell to my knees, letting out a sob of agony as tears cascaded down my face. I hugged Rose tight, not wanting to ever let go.

I'm a traitor. I'm the definition of betrayal. I will avenge Rose...Potter.

Sirius Black:

What the frick frack tickedy tack.

No, no this must all be a nightmare. I'll go to James' house and he'll be there. Laughing with Rose and Harry with something like soup poured on top of his head. Yes.


He's gone. My best mate and his wife are forever no more. I've got no one to prank, no one to prank with, no one to annoy when I'm bored, no one to talk to in times of need. No one.

And now, Harry Potter, my godson, with no parents. But I-I'm a reason for their death. The secret keeper role. It was so blurry yet ever so clear.

I lost two best friends today, a brother, a sister. I'll never forgive myself.

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