SIRIUS BLACK ~ Talk pt.2

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"No! It smells manky! I'd rather be kidnapped by the giant squid as a disguised undercover spy than drink that ghastly weird...stuff!"


"Love, are you here?" you asked, quietly entering the common room. It was after hours and you had snuck into the potions classroom to make Sirius a potion that would help him with his wounds. You told Sirius to wait in the common room for you.

You felt some strong arms wrap around your face as someone kissed your neck and whispered deeply, "Hey, princess."

You turned your neck to face him and pecked his lips, "Hello, gorgeous."

You took him to the sofa and layed him down.

"Take off your shirt," you said.

Sirius waggled his eyebrows and smirked, "Moving a but fast aren't we? It might hurt me a bit to move though. You might just have to be on top-"

"No, Black!" you scoffed, "Take off your shirt so that I can clean your wounds."

He pouted but did so anyway. You then handed him a potion in a vile. He sniffed it and scrunched up his nose.

"Ew, what is this?"

"It's a potion that will numb the pain when I help you."

"Pass," he huffed, shoving the vial back into your hand."

"No, Sirius, you need to drink it," you sighed hopelessly.


"Do it."

"I'd rather not."

"Drink the damn potion, you stubborn little bitch-"

"Language! And no, I'm not drinking the source of that-that... stench!"

"Sirius Orion Black, drink the potion that's in my hand or you lose your hand."

"No! It smells manky! I'd rather be kidnapped by the giant squid as a disguised undercover spy than drink that ghastly weird...stuff!" he snapped.

"This'll be good for you!"

"If that's good for me then McGonagall's my mum."

"Oh my Godric!"

"It literally smells like the produce of a constipated penguin!"

"Yeah, well- what did you just say? Stop talking, idiot. Just close your eyes, hold your nose and drink it!"

"Fine! You're so stubborn!" he huffed.

You looked at him incredulously, "Wha- I- me?! I'm stubborn?"

"Mhm." Before you could respond, he downed the potion with a disgusted look before turning to you.

"There. Happy now?" he snapped.

You smiled and kissed his nose, "Very."

You grabbed a cloth and put some special liquid on it that would help the cuts heal.

You began to dab it on lightly when Sirius hissed in pain, "Bloody hell!"

You winced, "Sorry, darling."

You continued doing this until Sirius' wound had closed up, the redness was gone and now they were just scars that would heal within a few days.

Throughout the whole time, Sirius' eyes were clamped shut in pain and his neck was bent back so that his face was facing the ceiling (kinds like Bucky's position in TFATWS where he was being tortured... asghefedew I know they're in pain but it's so hot stop-)

When you were done you started to tidy up as Sirius lay there, his eyes still closed.

When you finished, you turned around and started talking, "So, yeah, everything should be gone soon enou- oh..."

Sirius had fallen asleep and was ever so lightly snoring. You smiled lovingly, wondering how you could end up with someone so brilliant.

You grabbed a blanket and gently laid it over Siriu before brushing the hair off his head and kissing his forehead. Then, you began to walk away when you felt a hand grab yours.

"No, darling, stay with me," Sirius muttered sleepily, pouting slightly.

You smiled, "Fine."

You carefully climbed on top of his and rested your head on his chest. You traced random shapes on his bare chest and his fingers fiddled mindlessly with your hair and he kissed the top of your head, "Merlin, I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, darling," you grinned back.

Slowly, the both of you fell asleep in the common room.


"Do you think they're awake?"

"We shouldn't do this... you know what Lia's like when she's pranked in the morning!"

"This isn't a good idea, James!"

Peter, James and Remus whispered frantically together standing over the two of you. James was planning to pour green goo on both of you as a...'good morning' gesture.

"Fine, you don't do it then. I'll do it! Look at peaceful. I don't like it."

Peter chuckled, "Awhhh, the little lovebirds! If we're not bridesmaids at there wedding, they're gonna have a lot more than just green goo on them!"

And then...

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER! HOW DARE YOU POUR THIS ON US!" you screamed as the green substance coated you and Sirius. (a/n lmfao monster cum...omg I'm so sorry please just stop reading this book)

Not only was school in about to start in 5 minutes which meant you were already running late but James had spelled the goo in such a way that you couldn't just scourgify. Goddmnit.

James had ran away and, had you not had goo blurring your vision, you would've chased him as well as Remus & Peter.

"I'm so sorry, Lia!" he shrieked, his voice two pitches higher as he ran for his bloody life, "I'm super sorry! I love you really!"

Damn Potter.

Sirius chuckled, "Morning, princess."

He then raised his eyebrows at you, "Ditch school today?"

"Hell yeah."

"Does that mean seggsy time?"

"In your dreams, pretty boy."


LMFAO I WANT TO YEET MYSELF PUT OF A WINDOW NOW THAT I'VE WRITTEN THIS WTF IS ITFJDKSKFHJHEKHKJ it's like satan, lucifer and the world's worst writer ever had a threesome and made the wierdest baby in the world...yeah, that's the equivalent of this story.......................mhm

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