SIRIUS BLACK ~ The Project

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Request from heyitsdracoswife!! Requested name is Lana Lusetti <3

also TYSM FOR 400K READs WHAT-  

and I have the day of school so I'm going ice skating (no one asked but you're go listen anyway <3)

"Black, come one more millimetre closer and I swear to Merlin I'll curse you so bad, you'll have to spend the rest of your life in St. Mungos."


You were a typical Slytherin- wealthy, pureblood and you just loved to shoot death glares at passing Gryffindors.

It was going to be the perfect year- you were finally going to be allowed to use magic eventually throughout sixth year. Meaning you could curse any muggle who walked passed you during the holidays without anybody realising.

But anyway...

You were sitting in potions next to your best friend Evan Rosier with a bunch of Gryffindors when Slughorn called out, "Alright, we're starting a project! The project will be on The Draught of Living Death and we shall be in partners-"

You and Evan immediately looked at each other before, "-but I will be choosing your partners."

Throughout the whole class, you heard groans, you contributed too. "And it'll be one Gryffindor paired with a Slytherin."

The groans were even louder this time.

"But, sir," James Potter started, "I actually have a diagnosed allergy where I'm allergic to Slytherins and the only medication I have is to be paired with Lilyflo-"

"Oh, shut it, Potter," you snapped, glaring at him.

He rolled his eyes and just leaned back on his chair.

"So, let's see," Slughorn started, "Miss Evans with Miss Black."

James pouted, "Oh, Lilyflower, you poor thing."

Lily scowled at him, "Better than you."

James gasped, "I- i- no, not better than me!"

"Mr. Potter, if we could move on now?" Slughorn raised a brow, "It'll be Mr. Pettigrew with Mr. Parkinson. Mr. Lupin with Mr. Lestrange. Mr Potter with Mr. Avery. And Mr. Black with Miss Lusetti."

What the frick frack tickety tack.

No. No. And no.

"I- but sir-" you started.

"Lana, my dear, as brilliant as you truly are," Slughorn spoke kindly, "I'm afraid I need you to step out of your comfort zone and talk to someone who isn't in your house. And nicely...not in a mean way...please?"

You rolled your eyes, "Fine."

Sirius came and sat next to you, "Lusetti."


"Let's get started then shall we?" he got up and went to get ingredients to make the potions but you stopped him, grabbing his arm.

"," you shook your head.

He raised a brow with the tiniest smirk, "No?" (fiahwboib but imagine how hot this would look)

"No. Listen, Black. For six years I have had the perfect grades and they are not about to get ruined by the likes of you."

He leant down so his face was in height with yours, "What exactly does that mean, Lusetti? I'm not exactly thrilled to be with you either."

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