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"That colour really does match his eyes! Ten points to Slytherin!"


A/N Hey guys this story's dedicated to EmmelineDoe since they've shown me a lot of support when I've only just started writing! The name of this character is Emmeline Doe but I'm so sorry if that's not your actual name! 💖 thank you so much for the support love! ❤❤

Emmeline Doe sat patiently at her Defence Against the Dark Arts desk, drumming her fingers on it while waiting to get her test results back. The professor soon came up to her and smiled at her before placing the parchment in which held her answers to the test and its results. Gingerly, she turned the sheet over...YES! Ninety-seven percent! She could finally show her parents that she was learning some good in 'that darn school.'

Suddenly the sheet was snatched from her hand by none other than Maxwell Hentown- the person muggles would call her arch enemy.

"Give it here, Hentown!" She warned. If he did anything with that test, her parents would have more reason to call her a freak.

"Hmmm, and why should I do that, Doe?" He smirked a taunting one.

"Because I worked bloody hard on it, sorry that your thick brain doesn't know what hard work is, and also, it's not even yours, it's mine," She said calmly but in a pissed off manner.

"And why should I listen to a filthy mudblood like you?" he asked, "you may be a Slytherin like me and your little boyfriend, Doe, but you're in a house where people are ashamed to be within 100m of you!"

He thought what he said to her would break her, but haha it doesn't. She didn't care anymore. She used to but didn't now because she felt safe when she realised that her boyfriend, Regulus Black, a supposedly rude, rich blood supremacist, accepted the fact that she was a muggleborn but still loved Emmeline for herself.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of... Ripping. Emmeline looked up to see Henstown had ripped her paper into two halves.

"Henstown, you actual idiot!" The girl yelled, tears forming in her eyes- her one chance to show her parents that being a so-called 'freak' was worth it was gone, it had run away and gone down the drain. "Reparo! Reparo! " She kept yelling whilst pointing it at the sheet... No use.

"If I didn't know better Emmeline, I'd say you were upset? " Henstown sneered at her. 

"No shit, Sherlock," She said under her breath just loud enough for him to hear.

"Sherlock? What in Merlin's name is that?! " He responded. "Something you and those filthy muggles have come up with?"

She let out a sort of scream slash growl of frustration and made to leave but not before turning to face him with her wand pointed right. At. His. Face.

His face went from gleeful to scared in half a second.

"Ferinopia!" She yelled with her wand still pointing at his face. Suddenly, in a poof of glitter and pink dust, Emmeline's mortal enemy's hair went from light brown to pastel pink fading into a dark purple.

"MR. HENSTOWN! DETENTION FOR A MONTH FOR RIPPING UP A STUDENT'S HARD WORK!" Boomed her professor. He then turned to face Emmeline. "And as for you... That colour really does match his eyes! Ten points to Slytherin!" He said cheerfully, never being a big fan of Maxwell anyway.

She faked a smile before leaving once the teacher dismissed them and ran straight to Regulus' dorm.

Much to her happiness, he was already there sitting on his bed. As soon as he saw her teary eyes and puffy face, he became concerned.
"Emmeline, princess, what's wrong?" He said in a worried tone.

"Henstown!" She growled. She explained everything to him whilst throwing items around his room in anger- not that he minded... He was magic, after all.

By the time she had finished, she wasn't crying anymore, just extremely angry. Regulus saw this as an advantage... Angry Emmeline was hot and angry Emmeline gave hot kisses. Angry Emmeline would get better with a kiss as well.

"Come here, baby," He said to her with his arms open. Wasting no time, she ran and plopped herself down onto his lap, giving him a big hug. He stroked her hair softly as she listened to the soft rhythmic sound of his heartbeat.

"Hey, love?" he whispered, his deep voice vibrating through his body and against Emmeline.

"Hm?" she sleepily responded, suddenly feeling very tired in her lover's arms. Not for long though thought a certain dirty-minded Black.

"How do you like the sound of Henstown drinking a glass of pumpkin juice that has a potion that keeps his current hair colour permanent?"

Her head shot up and alertness whacked the Doe girl in the face. "Oh, I love you so so much!" she said adoringly before kissing him deeply and letting out all that anger in it. HOT was all Regulus was thinking.

"Hey, babe?" he murmured against her neck in which he was leaving love bites so the world knew that she was his.

"Yeah..." she replied, enjoying this way too much.

"How about we skip dinner and head for the Room of Requirement?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

And with that, they left and let's just say... they were up a long time.


Okay this is trash, sorry about that. The plot line and story sounded a lot better in my head lmao. In my defence, I only wrote this story on the bus on the way home from school and in the changing rooms sooo let's blame it on the noisy kids shall we?

Hoped you liked this EmmelineDoe because I certainly didn't...I'm so sorry. 🖤🖤

Can someone PLEASE send me a request because I'm having writer's block and need ideas :(

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