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"Ugh, Tara, love, waiting for you to do your make up is about as exciting as watching paint dry!"


You sat in James' dorm as you both got ready for one of Slughorn's dinner parties- in his eyes, you were a 'model student' so he invited you along. You invited your boyfriend, James, along as your date.

You watched as James struggled with his tie- he'd never been able to do one...only you and the Marauders knew he just secretly used a clip on scarlet and gold tie.

You sighed and smiled at him which made him turn to you and grin sheepishly. You walked up to him and fixed his tie for him.

"Thank you, love," he kissed your forehead but then frowned, "Where's your outfit?"

You widened your eyes- you were so entertained by watching James get ready, you forgot to!

"Uh- I sort of forgot," you blushed and he chuckled. You had brought your dress and makeup inside his dorm and left them on his bed so grabbed the dress to go and change in the bathroom.

When you were done, you walked out and James gasped. He walked up to you and put his hands on your waist.

"You looked gorgeous," he pecked your lips. You blushed and buried your face in his chest.

"So, shall we go now?" he asked and you shook your head vigorously.

"No! I have to do my hair-"

"It looks fine, beautiful!" interrupted James as he started playing with a strand of your hair.

You shook your head again, "And, I have to do my makeup!" James smiled softly at you, "You look stunning without makeup, Tara."

"No. Besides, it's a dinner party- I have to do my makeup!" you protested. He rolled his eyes and muttered a 'fine.'

You muttered a quick spell that curled your hair and put it in a nice hairstyle and then set to do your makeup.

Having Lily taught you the spell, you grabbed a spare hairpin and conjured a spell to turn it into a dressing table. James gasped again, "Tara!"

You laughed, "Don't worry, Potter, it'll go back to normal in a bit."

"Yeah, it better," he grumbled.

You decided to go all out and do a full face of makeup- only because Lucius Malfoy (yes, he got invited to the party) would then make fun of you and your looks (not that you cared) and you'd then have to restrain James from punching him.

Fifteen minutes into your makeup, you had only done your primer, foundation and concealer and you could tell James was getting bored. He had gotten out his snitch and started playing with it.

When James noticed you putting away your concealer, he perked up. "So you're done now? Great, let's go!" he made to get up but you stopped him.

"No, love. I still have to do my blush, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner-"

"Eyeliner?! It take you years to do your eyeliner!" he overexaggerated, "And you have to all that other stuff and probably more!" he groaned.

You smiled both sympathetically, sheepishly and sarcastically at him.


"By the time you're done, the party will be over!"

You rolled your eyes and continued with your makeup. After another 10 minutes, all you had left to do was your eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrows and lips.

"Ugh, Tara, love, waiting for you to do your make up is about as exciting as watching paint dry!" yelled James. You turned and gaped at him.

"Potter, makeup is an art! You just wouldn't appreciate it! Why don't you do it for me instead then?!" you look at him as if he were crazy, which he was but that wasn't the point.

He smirked, "Fine, maybe I will!"

He got up from his bed and sauntered over to you. Oh, Merlin.

You stood up from your seat so he could sit down and then you sat down on his lap. He fumbled with a few things before picking up the blush.

"Right, so, this is foundation so-" he started but you interrupted him.

"No, James, that's blush. If you apply that on my whole face, I will become pink."

"Oh," he blushed slightly- ironic. "Well, what have you got left to do?"

"Eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrows and lips," you told him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Okay, and this is the eyeshadow isn't it?" he picked up the contour and a blush brush. You laughed and shook your head.

"Well, I'm going to do the rest of your makeup how I think it should be done," he huffed.

"Okay, but don't kill me," you muttered. He rolled his eyes.

"Right, so I'm thinking-"

"That's dangerous," you smirked. He nudged you slightly and continued.

"-that this," he spoke as he picked up the eyeliner, "is eyeshadow and I put it on your eyes then blend it in with this brush," he picked up the contour blush. You restrained yourself from protesting and laughing as he did exactly hat he said he would.

After two hours of laughs, eventual protests and concentration, James had finished the 'right' way to do makeup and you had convinced him to let you do makeup on him the proper way.

"And...done!" you said as you applied setting spray on his face.

You both hadn't looked at the finishing results of what you had done to each other so you both turned to look at the mirror.

To say you were shocked would be an understatement- you bother yelled at what you had done to one another.

Just then, the dormitory door opened and Sirius walked in.

"Prongs, mate, where were you? Party's over and Marlene took me as her date. We snogged a bit but she wasn't very good so I just left. You and Tara were nowhere so I couldn't talk to anyone! And-woah!" he let out a very feminine scream at the sight of you and James once he laid eyes on the two of you.

You realised how odd it must have looked to him- there was eyeliner smeared on the mirror, lipstick all over James' hands and contour coating your fingers and well as the clown-like looks that both of you had that stood before Sirius.

James grinned, "Sorry, Padfoot...we got a little, well- caught up."

"Yeah, and you never went to the bloody party!" he said, shaken by the look of his two best friends, "By the way, you both looked hideous," he smirked. You chucked a pillow at him to shut him up.

"Bloody hell, woman! That hurt!" he groaned. You winked at him before saying a quick spell that tidied everything up and muttering the counter spell that would turn the dressing table back into a hair pin. After that you spoke the spell to clear of both of your guys' makeup (or more like face paint) and told James that the two of you should get dressed into comfier clothes.

As you walked into the bathroom to change, James called behind you, "Need help changing, love?" he asked cheekily.

"No," you responded, "but would you care to join me?"

He nodded eagerly and you grinned.

To say that night was better than any party would be very true.



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