REMUS LUPIN ~ Right Person, Wrong Time pt. 3

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"Do you think we're soulmates in another universe?"


It was now the last day of school. It had been two months since you and Remus broke up. You tried and failed to stop thinking about him multiple times. 

You weren't doing amazing...obviously. You faced the classic break up shit - not eating, or eating too much. Crying if even the slightest thing to do with him was brought up. Avoiding people, because they'd ask you about it. And then you'd cry. And you wouldn't fucking stop. 

You had finished N.E.W.Ts, and were pretty sure you had definitely failed. With other things, like a werewolf, on your mind. Concentrating was hard. And it's not that you were an empty, nothing person without him. You weren't a girl who's personality was her boyfriend and now is no one without him. You had just lost a piece of you. And now there is a Remus-sized hole in your heart waiting to be filled by...what? Something. Not Remus. But something. Maybe closure? Possibly not.

So now, on the last day of school, your last day at Hogwarts, you were on the Astronomy Tower. You probably weren't going to see Remus again. Or the other Marauders. You wanted to stay friends with them, keep talking to them. In fact you thought they'd be the best people to talk to right now. But everything about them, unsurprisingly, screamed Remus. Not to metion Remus would be with them. You felt...numb. But also upset. An upset kind of numb? Whatever.

You stared down at the people hauling their bags towards the train."Train's leaving soon," you heard someone speak, making you jump slightly. It's not that you didn't know who it was. You were somehow expecting this but was still surprised.

You didn't turn around, but answered, not looking at the source of the voice. "I know. Are you packed?"






You could have smiled. Could.

Remus came and leant on the railing next to you. You could smell his cologne, immediately making you tear up. Fuck, not now. Numb my ass.

You looked away, but Remus gently placed his hand under your chin, turning you to face him. "What?" you said, annoyed at both him and yourself.

He motioned towards the bench and you both sat down. "I'm giving you what you want," he said, looking out of the tower and towards the people on the ground.

You frowned, "What's that?"


You scoffed, "God, Lupin, I'm not pathetic. I don't need you or your closure."

That was a lie. You wanted it more than anything. Well, you wanted him more than anything but you had a little self-respect.

You didn't necessarily want to sound as harsh as you did but if you weren't you would cry. Which was even worse. Besides, after what he did you had every right.

He turned to face you, "Then give me it."

You looked at him, not knowing what to say. "I've got nothing to give, Remus. You left me."

"And you don't want to know why?"

"I wanted to know why two months ago. When you wouldn't even look at me in the eye as you told me you couldn't do 'us' anymore."

"So you don't want to know why..."

You stayed silent for a good minute, thinking about everything that could possibly be thought of in this conversation. Before reality properly hit you and you quickly stood up beginning to walk away.

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