SIRIUS BLACK ~ Neighbours

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"She's most likely a muggle and knowing you, you're gonna reveal the whole of the wizardng world just by saying the word 'banana'."


It was the summer going into sixth year and Sirius Black had officially run away from the House of Blacks, gotten disowned and moved in with his best friend James.

James stepped into the house, after going on a walk, and called out to Sirius.

"Oi! Sirius, mate! I have to introduce you to the new muggle corner shop owner! He has the IQ of a rock!"

Sirius came down from the stairs and grinned at James, "Yeah, the one with the odd moustache, right? Prongs, you can't say he has the IQ of a rock or that's dearly offensive to rocks-"

"Why do you look like that?" James interrupted. He had taken a chance to look at Sirius' appearance and was curious. Sirius had dressed up a tiny bit more usual compared to his usual shirt and joggers. 

If girls fell head over heels for the Black when he was dressed in pyjamas, they would have fainted at the sight of him now.

He had on black jeans and a black button-up collared shirt that wasn't buttoned up all they way- revealing some of his muscular figure. The sleeves of the shirt didn't cover up all of his arms so when he moved his arms, his muscles unintentionally flexed. Sirius had metal rings on his fingers that just made his hands look even better than what they usually did. Lastly, his raven hair had gone from unkempt to just a bit dishevelled. 

(a/n it doesn't sound very attractive but if you could enter my head, you would see he looked bloody gorgeous- I'm just shit at explaining so yuh sorry about that. Then again, it's Sirius Black- he could probably make the world's ugliest outfit look good.

So I'm sorry it doesn't sound attractive but if you just imagine Sirius all dressed up but casually -if that makes sense- then you can imagine him how you want)

*Edit* I found a really good photo that is very similar to the description so thank you KatyRay102 :)

It's painful knowing he's not me but also old enough to be my grandad 😔😔 but don't worry, guys, we'll get through this pain together <3

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It's painful knowing he's not me but also old enough to be my grandad 😔😔 but don't worry, guys, we'll get through this pain together <3

Sirius looked up from his watch he was putting on his wrist to James. "Oh, this new girl moved exactly across the street with her family today and she's so beautiful and looks around our age so I just want to be a nice neighbour and say... 'hello'."

James raised a brow, "You mean a 'hello' and then convince her to get into bed with you when she's barely been in the neighbourhood for five hours. We need to have a serious chat on what each of our ideas on productivity are...-"

"Hush, Potter.  And no, I want her to me my girlfriend! Not just a fling though, a proper girlfriend."

"Mhm, sure. Pads, she's most likely a muggle and knowing you, you're gonna reveal the whole of the wizardng world just by saying the word 'banana'."

"Oi! I'm not that stupid-"

"You're right- I wasn't descriptive enough, was I?"

"Shut up. Besides, so what if she's a muggle? She could be the love of my life!"

"She could also be a twenty year old who looks like a teenager which makes you seem like a person who now like older women."

"You're so lucky I'm not old enough to do magic outside of school yet, James Potter. Anyway, age is just a number. Even if she was a GAZILLION years old, I wouldn't care-"

"You and I both know that's not true-"

"-Potter! I want to meet her!"

"Yeah, and I want a five headed baby kangaroo but I guess we can't all get what we want in life-"

"Just stop talking. Now, let me get in the zone..." Sirius exhaled, and then closed his eyes before inhaling.

James looked at his best friend skeptically but smirked. How this boy managed to charm the socks of a lot of teachers was unbeknownst to him.

"Ok," Sirius said, a determined look on his face, "Off to go talk to my future wife."

James rolled his eyes, "Pushing it just a bit aren't you, mate?"

"No," Sirius winked, "Just stating the future since you don't know how to!"

And with that, he exitted the house.


You were in your room, adding things to the new house when you heard a knock at the door. Your parents had gone to a shop in Diagon Alley where things were sold to make a magical home in a muggle home seem more, well, muggle-like.

The knock on the door cause you to pause. You were all alone, without your parents, who had left  you abandoned for a while in a new neighbourhood where you couldn't even remember your own door number.

You crept down the stairs and looked through the peep hole to see a boy, who looked arounf your age, with black hair and stormy grey eyes. And, Merlin, he was gorgeous. He was looking down at his hands, fiddling casually with the metal rings on his fingers that only added to how fine he was. Godric, he was handsome. But so were most Mafia gang leaders. What if he was here to murder you personally?! You're to young to die!Well, if you were to die, at least the last thing you saw was an insanely attractive man.

Oh! The man- should you keep him waiting? No, maybe you should try to make friends- even though that friend might be a murderer.

Stop overthinking!

You slowly opened the door and made eye contact with the boy in front of you.

He smiled at you gorgeously, and spoke with a French accent you knew was fake, "Enchante, madmoiselle."

Oh Lord, you could already tell he was going to be trouble.

"I'm Sirius Black- school boy by day, heartthrob by night...and day too actually- depends how you see it. Point is, hello, beautiful."

Well, on the bright side, you were positive he wasn't part of the Mafia.



Okkk so I'm gonna split this into parts (idk how many) but yeah. It's super shit so my sincerest apologies for that :3  it will get better (hopefully)

so for now, you have to deal with this story which is an equivalent to pile of rat crap :)

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