SIRIUS BLACK ~ Secret Admirer Pt. 1

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"But Sev, look at him! Standing there all gorgeous and beautiful whilst reading a book! He's an utter idiotic idiot!"


Yours sincerely,

Your secret admirer

You tore your eyes away from the love letter your so-called 'secret admirer' sent. Like, it was sweet and all but it was the 20th century for crying out loud! Who even considered writing love letter, let alone actually following through with on - well, your secret admirer that's for sure. Though, you had to admit, the penmanship was rather splendid. Still. It had nothing to do with you and it was rather annoying this secret admirer made himself know and be an admirer rather than a secret one. 

Anyway, you had your sights set on someone else. A particular black haired, stormy eyed boy.

You sighed and put the letter in your bag and turned to peer at the annoying Gryffindor from across the classroom.

"No, I hate him. I hate him. I hate him" you groaned.

"I would highly appreciate it if you stopped talking," droned Severus as he looked at his Charms work.

"But Sev, look at him! Standing there all gorgeous and beautiful whilst reading a book! He's an utter idiotic idiot!" you ranted.

He sighed and snapped his book shut to look at you, "Megan, if you're so obsessed with Black, why don't you just talk to him, get rejected and forget like it never happened?"

You turned to face him with the most appalled of looks to which he immediately regretted getting himself involved with your Sirius-obsessed conversation.

You scoffed, "Okay, Mr. Snape, firstly, I'll have you know that I am not the slightest bit obsessed-"

"Keep telling yourself that-"

"-secondly, I'm a Slytherin, for Merlin's sake-"

"Mhm, keep going, I know you're not finished-"

"-and thirdly, why do you think he'll turn me down?!" you glared at him.

Sev rubbed his hand over his face in reluctance to talk to you, "Megan, must you?"

You rolled your eyes with a sigh and went back to looking at the annoyingly handsome prick named Black. Bloody Merlin, you were positive he had a face carved by the fucking gods! You wondered whether or not he had a date to the upcoming Christmas ball Slughorn had arranged for everyone to attend to. He probably had. You turned what was left of your attention span back to Severus and sighed.

You glanced at the open Charms book in front of you & frowned.

"Sev, do you actually understand any of this?"

He groaned and rubbed his temple, "Remind me why we're friends again..."

"Because you love me really," you grinned devilishly at him.



Okie dokie, you had one shot at this. One. Shot. 'Yeah, one shot to embarrass yourself and ask Black for a shovel because if the bigger hole you eventually be digging yourself so that you can crawl up and die in it,' said the voice in your head trying to convince you to stop doing what you were about to do.

You lingered behind one of the many Christmas trees that were strewn all over the school every year and waited with supreme patience. Sirius always took this route on his way to potions and to your fortune, took it alone.

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