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A/N Mention of abuse so if that triggers you, please don't read! :)

"You'd think given the billions living on the planet, people would come up with several expressions for portraying sympathy but, alas, no. There's just one!"


You felt a pair of hug your shoulders and turned to see your twin brother Sirius along with your best friends James, Peter and Remus.

"Hey, Black," you grinned.

"Hey, Black," he smirked back.

You waved to the other to which they responded with a smile. James then muttered something about starving and headed to the Great Hall for lunch before being followed by Sirius and Peter.

Now it was just you and Remus and not only was he your best friend but also your long time crush. Only the other Marauders knew as well as your best friend, Lily. But being a Black, you knew ever so well how to hide your emotions.

Remus started walking up to you, "Hey, Rory, do you want to study after dinner this evening?"

"Sure, sounds good," you smiled.


After lunch, you went to Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and took a seat in between Sirius and James.

In the lesson you were learning how to change the colour of one's eyebrows. James and Sirius seemed very interested in this to say the lease but you were bored having already known the spell since Regulus had used it on you by accident when you were 3rd year and he was in 1st.

Without realising, you had fallen asleep whilst drawing on Sirius' hand but was woken up by a book slamming on your desk.

"Aurora. Cassiopeia.  Nova. Lyra. Black!" growled McGonagall. You winced. You hated it when someone used your full longass name. In fact, you weren't even sure you had that many names.

You smirked sleepily up at her, "Minnie, do I honestly have that to be called my full name? You know I don't like it when you do that...especially because they're all stars- stars stay in the sky and last time I checked, I didn't come out of my mother on a broomstick that whooshed into the sky! Plus, you used my was-going-to-be name! You know I don't have a Cassiopeia in my name- Mother was just considering calling me that and my brother only got one middle name! Unbelieveab-"

You were interrupted by McGonagall interrupted your rant about your name with narrowed eyes, "Well, since you think you're smart enough to fall asleep in my class and learn nothing and know everything as well as have a discussion about your name which, at the current moment, is not of importance, why don't you say the incantation I've told the class that changes one's eyebrows?"

You smirked, knowing you already knew the spell, "Crinus Muto."

She looked slightly flustered and put off but only you saw, "Right, well, good. But 10 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention . And I am well aware you only know that because Mr. Black used it on you once before."

Sirius gasped, "I- What?! Minnie, I didn't even know the spell until today! How could I have used it on her?"

McGonagall rolled her eyes, "No, the other Black!"

"What, so Rory used the spell on herself?" smirked Sirius who loved to wined the professor up.

Now red in the face with anger McGonagall responded, "Mr. Black, if you recall, I said that Mr. Black used the spell on your sister. There is another Mr. Black in your family at the school is there not?"

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