JAMES POTTER ~ I Love You So pt.2

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the long awaited part 2

I have no idea what I'm about to write so if you don't like it I can guarantee you I don't either

also before you say that Lia 'moved on too quickly' or whatever, half the comments asking for a part 2 were asking for one where she's moved on or gotten over him etc. so I'm literally fulfilling that 

dude I sound so bitchy what-


It had been a significant while since James broke up with you. You had moved on and found yourself with a certain Remus Lupin. (some of you wanted Remus, Regulus or Sirius but I'm gonna get hate for doing Regulus because he's 'younger than the character' or whatever crap people manage to come up with and then not Sirius because I feel like James and Sirius are way too close for Sirius to ever do that to James...? idk. 

if you don't like it being Remus then do what you want I honestly am too tired to care rn)

You sat in the library studying with him, your fingers interlaced as he rubbed your hand with his thumb. Two seconds later, he stood up, "I need to go find a book, I'll be right back."

You smiled and nodded continuing to work. Not even half a minute later you heard the chair scraping and the movement on him sitting back down.

"Merlin, that was qui-"

"Not Remus."

You immediately looked up and recognised James Potter. You stared at him blankly.

"Hey, Lia," he spoke sheepishly. (boy wut)

You blinked yourself out of your daze, "Hey, yourself."

You hadn't spoken to James since the break up even though you were dating his best friend.

"So...you and Remus?" he raised a brow, fiddling with the quill you had put down.

You nodded, smiling at the thought of how happy Remus made you, "Yeah...me and Remus."

Remus came back, "Love, I think- oh, hey, Prongs."

James grinned, "Hey, mate. Mind if I steal your girl for a minute?"

Remus narrowed his brows, "You mean as a metaphor or physically...are you actually going to take her from me?"

James rolled his eyes with a very light smile, "Metaphorically, idiot."

You made eye contact with Remus and he shrugged, "As long as you don't fall in love again within the space of two minutes, it's cool."

The conversation you were about to have together, however, had other plans.

You kicked him from under the table before walking off to an empty hallway with James.

"Moved on pretty quickly, didn't you?" James looked at you pointedly shoving his hands in his pocket.

You scoffed, "At least I didn't like two people at the same time and use one of them as a reserve until I got the one I like more."

James rose his brows, nodding his head, "I deserve that."

"Oh, you deserve more, Potter, trust me."

You both stayed silent as he stared at his shoes and you found a sudden interest in the ground. Gradually, the general mood became less argumentative and more sad and slightly more heart breaking.

"Uhm..." James cleared his throat, pushing his glasses up his nose, "Lily...she, uh- she didn't love me back."

At that moment, all you wanted to do was scoff and tell him that's what you told him the night he left you and that you were right. But he looked so heart broken and that just broke your heart too.

"Oh, James..."

"I know what you're thinking," he sniffed, on the verge of tears, "That you told me so. That she wouldn't love you like you love me."

You shrugged, not really knowing what to say.

"You know, I-" he stood up slightly straighter as he made direct eye contact with you, "I still love you."

Tears began to form slightly and your eyes glazed over. "James, please don't...just don't."


You shook your head, "You can't do that to me. It's not fair to me. I cannot be the second choice," your voice broke, "I can't just be 'the girl that's there' for until Lily loves you back."

James wiped a tear off your face, "But I don't think it was Lily."

You smiled sadly, "That's not what you said that night. 'It was always Lily.' That's what you told me and I think...no, I know you meant that. James, you love Lily, not me."

"But, Lia, I do love you- that's the thing. I've loved you for so long and yet, Lily was always in the picture."

You cried even more, "James, stop it...please." You whispered the last words. "I can't go back into those habits- it's not fair to Remus. I got over you."

"Do you love Remus?"


"...yes, I do."

"But what about us?" James whispered, heart breaking.

"There is no us," you shook your head, tears rolling down your face.

James stayed silent, eyes watery before speaking up again, "...do you still love me?"

"James, I- you- we-" you huffed, "Please...don't ask me that I- I don't know. But I can't love Remus while willingly knowing that I love you. I cannot  start to knowingly love you again."

"Lia...I can't lose you."

"Oh, James..." you shook your head sadly, "I think you already have."

James sobbed, cupping your face as you forced yourself not to lean into his touch, "But I love you."

"So?" your voice broke, tears rolling down your face even more.


"Let me go..." you whispered, walking away and turning a corner only to hear James let out a heartbroken sob.

You forced yourself not to cry harder.

And that was the day James Potter lost you.


ok yeah this is absolute owl shite 💀 not my best work and not necessarily that angsty...?

opinions again please 😩

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