JAMES POTTER ~ Better Than Him

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Part 2 to the request from @justyoursimpleflower ! :)

"Oh my Godric, guys! Minnie here is going to give us a detention! Ahem... Houston, we have a problem."


You sat in class next to Lily and James while attempting to transfigure a hairpin into a shoe but were failing miserably. On the other hand, you were doing slightly better than others. There were shoes flying across the room, hairpins nearly flying into people's eyes and more.

Out of pure anxiety that the whole classroom would become a zoo, McGonagall stopped everyone and started talking.

"Ok, ok, let's stop and- Potter, would you mind just shutting up for a bit? Thanking you kindly-"

"Oh, but Minnie, what if he doesn't want to shut up?" chimed in Sirius.

"Don't call me that, Black. You're just as annoying as your dear mother was."

"Me? Please! I'm nothing like my mother!" Sirius put a hand to his heart as if hurt deeply.

"He's right," joined in Peter. "In nature, there's a fish that swims around carrying it's baby in it's mouth. That fish would look at Sirius' relationship with his mother and think, 'That's messed up.'"

"Pettigrew, might I ask what this has to do with anything?" McGonagall spoke, her temper rising.

"Just trying to diffuse the tension..."

"Pettigrew, I'm trying to do my job-"

"Which is what exactly?" spoke Sirius.


"Boring people to death? If so, then you have that in the bag, Minnie! You should really go to Professor Dumbles and ask for a promotion and pay rise you know."

"Woah, woah, woah, people," Remus joined in, "I think we're all missing the point here... Professor, if you ask me, you were messing about too."

"How, Mr. Lupin?" glared the professor.

"Last night, I saw you wandering about the corridors, in your little pink night gown and hair curlers- we never even see your curls!"

That made no sense but you were enjoying this so you just sat back and enjoyed the show.

"For your information, Lupin, it was not pink- it was blue so you must get your eyes checked out or your glasses prescription changed," her voice was now shaking. 

"On that matter," spoke in Sirius, "women hate it when its referred to them that they only like and wear 'girly' colours. Boys do too."

James raised an eyebrow, "You love pink."

"No, pink loves me."

You laughed, "Minnie, don't you think they're digressing quite a bit?"

"Quite right, Miss Eyre. Now, Potter, I think it's best you move."

"Move? Move dorms? It's fine anyway. I've been thinking of moving for a while now- there's a line of ants going to the Halloween sweets in my cupboard and... I don't want to be there when they get tired of the sweets..." he said darkly and dramatically.

You gasped over-the-toply, "Dun, dun duuuun!!!!"

"Merlin!" yelled McGonagall.

"Oh my Godric, guys! Minnie here is going to give us a detention! Ahem... Houston, we have a problem."

You chuckled but stop when McGonagall spoke up, "Indeed you're right, Potter. Detention for Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew and Eyre."

You frowned, "What did I do?! I barely spoke!"

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