SIRIUS BLACK ~ Checkmate

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"I can assure you, Black, you most certainly will not win against me. But by all means, dream big, Princess."


"Aaand, checkmate!" you said, smirking slightly as you watched a disgruntled James Potter sit back in his seat, defeated.

"You cheated," he groaned whilst running a hand through his unruly hair. You laughed.

"Potter, I can most certainly tell you that I did not cheat," you laughed. James shook his head, "No, there is no way you could have won ten times in a row!"

You leaned back in your chair and he mirrored your actions, excusing the frown etched upon his sullen face.

"Nope!" you said in an uninterested tone and popping the 'p', "You lost and that's all there is to it."

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled as he handed out money to the people he owed. Now significantly poorer, he was also ten times more devastated as well.

"She's right, Prongs, she didn't cheat- you just lost," said the smart voice of Remus Lupin. You gave him thumbs up as he gave you a grin and a satisfied nod. At that moment, to say you were invincible would be an felt unconquerable.

James' pride was down the drain. Talking of pride, it was no unknown fact that James Potter was full of it. However, Sirius Black was worse. Much worse.

It didn't help the fact he was undeniably attractive and although you would refuse to admit it, you had a ridiculous crush on the wizard but then again, so did most of the school- girls and boys alike- so you really didn't have any chance with the most popular person in school. Especially with his trademark smirk, unruly black hear and piercing grey eyes, he had girls falling for him left, right & centre- and other directions you didn't even know existed!

However, you noticed his usual smirk was noticeably absent when you snuck a glance at him and he seemed to have not made any comment about his best friend's loss. Instead, he had a rather concentrated expression with his eyebrows furrowed and him chewing his thumbnail as if he were contemplating something. It looked as though he were planning something.

And when Sirius Black plans something, it can never be good.

After a while his grey eyes made contact with yours and an idle smirk painted on his features that you had come to memorise and get butterflies with. He slowly walked over to you and you made sure you were talking to James by the time he met you at the table.

"Mhm, ok, whatever, Potter you did lose," you smirked, "So now you have to clean my Potions equipment for a month." You winked a him, "If you won, I would have gone out with you but it was probably for the best anyway- I see you with Lily."

"Oh, Prongs, you did lose," chuckled Sirius as he draped an arm over your shoulder. "However, might I remind you that I did tell say that you really had no chance. I think the fact of her knowing she might have had to go on a date with you gave her the motivation to win. So with that prospect, the odds really aren't in your favour mate," smirked the Black.

"Besides, I'm sure she'd much prefer to go out with me," he looked at you. You wanted to annoy him so you fake gagged and rolled your eyes.

"Um, yeah, no thanks," you said pushing his arm off you and letting a tiny argument unfold between James and Sirius

"Quite the charmer, aren't you, Pads?"

"Yeah, I am. So shut up."

"No you shut up."

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