JAMES POTTER ~ Better Than Him

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Request from @justyoursimpleflower so tysm! :)

"Fun fact of the day: when life gives you lemonade, make lemons- life will be all like 'whaaat?!'"






"I just-"


"Godric! Did Merlin take out all English language from you and leave you with just one word?"

These were on of the many conversations you had to endure through the day. James Potter asking Lily Evans out and you, Cara Eyre, sitting in the middle since you played the part of being both of their friend.


"Oh, both of you shut it!" you yelled for the billionth time that day.


It was a few days later and James plopped down next to you on the couch in the common room and sighed dramatically, "I'll never find love! I'm gonna die alone with twelve cats in a tiny cottage in a countryside in Cornwall while knitting jumpers for my cats and non-existent grandchildren!"

"Is that so?"

"It is so."

"For someone who is complaining about it, you've definitely put in a lot of thought-"

"So what happened was I walked past Lilyflower showing off with my snitch and I obviously asked her out but, as usual, she had the audacity to reject m- are you even listening?"

"No, not really," you mumbled, staring into the fire.

"Cara!" he said frustratedly. You turned your head towards him, "Mhm?"

"I'm trying to talk to you about Lily..." he pouted. Oh Lord.

You rolled your eyes, "Well then, Potter, you have my undivided attention."

Knowing that you were being sarcastic, James huffed, "Cara!"

You sighed, "James, I don't see why you just forget about Lily and move on. She's obviously not interested so go find someone else-"

"That's easy for you too say though isn't it? You already have a boyfriend!" he argued.

"That's besides the point-"

Now, these were one of the many times you bickered with James. You, being the stubborn one, never apologised since you thought you were right. James, however, felt bad even though he thought he was also right. He would make it up to you by giving you a fun fact of the day.

"Fun fact of the day: when life gives you lemonade, make lemons- life will be all like 'whaaat?!'"

You rolled your eyes with a grin, not saying anything. He pouted, "No? Was that not good enough? I'll give you another one!" He was very persistent.

"Oh, Merlin, no! James-"

"Fun fact number dos of today-"

"Potter, I forgiv-"

"You will find that good thing will constantly come your way... if you just lower your expectations."

"Go do some homework, you bloody twat."

"Fine! Sorry, mum."

"I swear on Merlin's left buttock, James Fleamont Potter-"

"Oh, hush, you over dramatic-"

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