SIRIUS BLACK ~ Enemies to Lovers

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Request from sheraayasher :) Requested name is Eliza Edwards

"Oh please! A grain of rice has a higher IQ than him!"


"Oi, Edwards!"

You huffed, slamming your book shut. Sirius Black. The world's most unofrtunately attractive dimwit. You had sincerely hated each other for as long as you could remember.

You turned towards the boy, "Something you want, Black?"

He scowled, "Lose the attitude."

(ok but on a completely unrelated note, imagine showing attitude to him, turning away and him gently grabbing the back of your neck to turn you back around to face him and then he whispers to you angrily to "Lose the attitude." PLEASE IT'S SO HOT I CAN'T-)

You rolled your eyes, "I'd rather not."

"It's so hard to find you being a nice person, Edwards."

"Then again it's hard to find a lot of things," chimed in James, your best friend, "like love, Waldo, a good Chinese restaurant..."

You grinned at him before turning to Sirius, "What do you want, Black?"

He smirked, "I have a date tonight and-"

"Ohhh," you interrupted, "Is that why you're wearing that cologne? What is that, Stench of Death?"

"Hilarious. Why are you so sarcastic?"

"Why not?"

"You know, Eliza," chimed in Remus, your other good friend, "Sarcasm is really just anger's ugly cousin.

You rolled your eyes at the boy, "I suggest you shush, Lupin."

"It's fine, Sirius," Peter grinned, "Sardonic humour is just her way of relating to the universe."

"Righ you are, Peter. It's also the lowest form of wit. But it's also just my way of telling the universe 'fuck you'."

You huffed, "Okay, Black. Did you really want anything about your stupid date because you're not getting any help."

"Then my work here is done. I came here with low expecation but, alas, I'm still disappointed."

"Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker."


You looked across the room to see Sirius stroll in. You, being a Slytherin, were on a different table to him in the Great Hall.

"You're doing it again," muttered Severus.

You broke out of your trance, "Doing what?"

Sev raised an eyebrow at you before discreetly nodding his head at Sirius, "Staring at Black?"

You hit him on the back of the head causing him to glare at you and rub the back of his head, "I am not staring! What in Merlin's left ballsack gave you that idea?"

The boy had a slight smirk tugging on his lips, "Ohh, I don't know. Maybe it's because he's very attractive, funny, sometimes kind and also smart...?"

You could tell that Severus wanted nothing more than to wash his mouth out with soap after saying those words. 

You gaped at him in shock, "Severus Tobias Snape! I think no such thing! He is not attractive! I mean sure, he has the model smile and cheekbones and a jawline carved by the gods as well as really shiny hair and pretty eyes and all that muscle... but that does notmean he's attractive! No, no, no!"

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