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Days go by, creeping closer and closer towards the Yuel Ball. I've been studying hard with Hermione in the library, so I haven't seen Fred for a couple of days, or even my father. Walking out to the courtyard, holding my school books close to my chest, the snow is falling in large flakes from the sky, landing onto the already coated floor.

Breaking me from my peaceful trance, I hear loud, booming laughter as I spot the four boys, I roll my eyes, Fred and George have begun wrestling one another, as Harry and Ron cheer them on. I see Hermione on the steps in front of me, watching the boys cause chaos. I hear her scoff and shake her head as she looks down at her open book.

I sit on the steps next to Hermione in silence, she gives me a warm smile and continues to her book.  As Fred holds George in a headlock, I connect eyes with him, while he grips his twin around the neck.  His eyes deepen as they lock with mine, I feel like everything begins to go into slow motion. He makes me feel so shy, and I am not one usually to be shy. I bite my lip and smirk at him, still holding our gaze.

George then whips out of Fred's tight hold, tackling his brother to the ground. Fred lets out a grunt as he hits the hard floor, the sound sends shivers down my spine.

"That's quite enough Weasley-- both of you." My dad's calm and cold voice snakes up behind me. Fred pushes George off him, while George mocks him stating that he won the fight. They shove each other as they walk though the large doorway, mumbling profanities towards one another. As they walk past, Fred gives me a cheeky wink, making the butterflies flutter.

Harry and Ron follow closely still laughing. I turn to look Hermione in the eyes, and she knew, I wanted to be alone with my father to speak to him. She squeezes my arm, while lifting herself off the cold floor and following the boys.

I look up at my father, who is standing in his long robes, as always. He looks more tired than usual, the bags under his eyes are darker.

"How are you now Phoenix?" He looks down to me sat on the stairs, his face is always so emotionless, but I always see a slight warmth in his dark eyes.

"I'm okay, I'm lucky that this time round I have some great friends."  I smile up at him. "I actually wanted to speak to you dad--" I stand next to him as he stares out into the snowy horizon.

"Mm-hmm." He doesn't move, just continues to look into the distance.

"I- I think I can conjure magic without my wand." I say. I could see his brows knit together but still not moving his gaze towards me. "I mean, I was able to electrocute Pans-" My eyes grow wide as I say too much. "A-And cast lumos with my palm." I say quickly, trying to save myself from my mistake.

My dad's eyes slowly shut as he lets out a disappointed sigh. I turn to the stone doorway, taking my hand from my glove, I tap the stone gently with my middle finger, and from that a swirling frost climbs up the stone wall. Turning back to my dad, I beam up at him as he gives me a small smile.

"I feel it growing, it feels stronger today than it did yesterday." I look down at my bare hand, balling it up in a fist, feeling the power pulse through my veins. My dad turned towards me, lifting my head with his hand under my chin, he was wearing leather gloves, they were cold against my skin.

"You have always been powerful Phoenix, ever since you were a baby." His words make me grin widely, hearing him speak fondly of me warms my heart. "But you must be careful Phoenix, if your powers are growing, you must learn to control them." The seriousness in his voice is clear. I nod up at him. He pulls me into his chest, one hand on the back of my head, holding me tightly to him. I slowly close my eyes and let out a sigh. "I am proud of you Phoenix, you know that?"

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