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There is a few changes of POV in this chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Fred Weasley POV

I have been in awe of Phoenix ever since she walked through the Great Hall. Her cold grey iris's transforming to bright yellow right before my eyes was the teller that I needed her in my life, she intrigued me. I watch her as she chats to Hermione, her beautiful lips moving as she speaks, lips that taste so damn good.

As she turns her gaze towards me, memories of last night flit back in my mind. Phoenix— my Phoenix, opening her legs wide for me, touching herself, crying out into the room as I fucked her relentlessly. Ohh fuck I feel myself growing hard under the table. I quickly push the thoughts away from my mind, and return myself to reality where everyone is sitting and eating lunch.

I see Phoenix's hand on the table, her skin almost coming into contact with mine, so I pull my hand away to grab my goblet to hide my emotions from her. I ached for her touch, I always want to touch her, to kiss and caress every inch of her body, but I couldn't let her find out that I was thinking of her this way—especially thinking of her at the table, with the rest of the group here.

Phoenix is probably one of the greatest things to happen to me— to George as well. She is the strongest person I know, after coming from a physically abusive orphanage; which pains me to my very core to think that someone would hurt her, I ache when I see those scars on her back; and now she's developed power that I have never seen before, she's incredible— and she's all mine.

The day continued on as normal, the classes were normal, everything has been normal. I've found that me and George are not working as hard in our lessons, we are too busy with business; thinking up new ideas, and products that we can sell in the future, I am unsure if we will see Hogwarts through till the end.

As the day drew to a close, the sky was painted with tons of colours as the sun fell down over the horizon. Walking into the Great Hall with George, we go over to Hermione and Ron who are sitting in the usual place.

"Evening guys and girls, where's the rest of you?" I ask, ruffling Rons hair as I walk past.

"Piss off you sod! Harry went back to the common room—" Ron huffed, smoothing his hair back down. I watch him as he digs into his plate piled high with different food, He never ceases to amaze me with the amount of food he can consume.

"And Phoenix?" George questions, sliding into the seat next to me.

"She has detention—" Hermione says, looking rather frustrated with the fact of Phoenix having detention.

My brows furrow. "Why? What she do?"

"It was completely unnecessary! She was held back from her class before, so she was late for Umbridge's class, and she instantly gave her detention. It wasn't even her fault." Hermione huffs. Umbridge has only been here for a day and she's already gotten under our skin.

Turning my head to the front of the hall, I see Professor Snape. He looks rather disheveled, well... more disheveled than usual. He is glaring at me with his dark eyes and tight jaw, I'm unsure if he knows about me and Phoenix, but I don't think I want him to find out anytime soon, or my head will be on his mantlepiece.

Me and George spent about an hour in the Great Hall. I was mostly waiting for Phoenix to walk through the doors, but she never did. Something in my gut told me there was something wrong, but I quickly pushed that away. The past couple of days have made me worry about Phoenix, she seems on edge about something, but she always puts on a happy face when she's around us both.

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