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Me and Fred took a while to get up to his dorm. We would take a few steps down the corridor and end up having our hands all over each other once again. He would hold me against the wall, while his wet mouth ran along my neck and open collar bone, nipping and sucking at my tender skin.

After finally managing to resist each other for a minute, we made it to Fred's room door. Excitement and nerves run through my stomach, but this is something I have never been so sure on. Fred is a loving, caring and beautiful person, I wouldn't want anyone else.

Stopping outside the door, I look up at him, eyes filled with desire, my iris's a deep purple. He looks down at me with his dark chocolate eyes, his lips were slightly parted, and his red hair messy from my hands running through it multiple times on the way here.

His tongue, runs along his teeth, making my stomach tense, I pull my lip under my teeth. Hearing him moan low in his throat, and in a beat he pulls me in by the waist, his mouth claims me once again. He pushes me against the door, while his tongue plays with mine. My hands instantly go up to his hair, gripping his lovely locks, making him hiss through his teeth.

He reaches round my waist, turning the door knob, allowing us to stumble in, while we continued to devour one another. Fred quickly reaches under my thighs, lifting me in the air, I wrap my legs around his waist. He makes me feel as light as a feather, effortlessly walking over to his bed.

The room is dark, only the moonlight spilling through the windows gives us a cold blue glow of light. Fred sits on his bed, my legs bending at the knee while I straddle him. His large hands run all over my back, beginning to tug at the small zipper at the back of my corset top.

Undoing my top, I let it fall over my shoulders, spilling into our laps, leaving me only in my bra and jeans. Fred pulls back from our passionate kissing, admiring my dark red bra, which is embroidered with lighter red flowers. I see his eyes flick over my chest, it heaves up and down from my heavy breathing. He licks his lips while grinning up at me, showing his perfect teeth.

"You ok?" He breaths, while his eyes warm slightly.

I softly smile at him. "Of course."


Without warning, I am lifted and flipped onto the bed, making me gasp. Before I could even think, Fred undoes my shoes, flicking them off and onto the floor. Reaching down I begin to undo my jeans. Fred leans over and hooks his fingers into my waistband, tugging them down.

I am now left in my matching bra and underwear, while Fred stands, fully clothed. His dark eyes run over my body, while he bites on his bottom lip. My breathing his harsh, getting heavier as he stares, making me want him even more.

I sit up, and grab for the buttons on his shirt. Looking up at him through my lashes, he is smiling down at me. Merlin his smile is beautiful. After I unbutton his shirt, I reach down to unbutton his trousers, but he quickly grabs my wrists.

"Oh no darling, you first." He purrs, pushing my back down onto the bed. With his hands still on my wrists, pinning me down, he trails his mouth along my neck, heading south. Running his mouth and tongue down my stomach, I moan out at his hot mouth on my skin.

I feel his hands on my thighs, Fred leans down, planting a kiss on my heat, over my underwear, he grazes his teeth over the fabric making me hiss through my teeth, I let out a small whimper, desperate for more. Fred pulls my underwear aside and runs a finger along my already soaked heat.

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