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A/N: I just wanted to apologise for this chapter, my head isn't working properly and I can't seem to get words down, but we got there in the end :) I'm sorry it's so boring, I promise the next one will be better <3

Stay sexy <3

Fred Weasley POV

"Hello again, Weasley."

I never thought I'd see her again.

Phoenix was home.

I couldn't get over how much she's changed since I have last seen her— she's even more beautiful than before, I didn't even know she could become more gorgeous.

I missed her— so fucking much, and now, seeing her in the flesh once again, I never want her to go again. I felt my eyes prick with tears and I quickly blink them back before letting out a sobbing laugh.

I hugged her. I hugged her so hard and never wanted to let her go. Scooping her up in my arms and holding her close, her floral, fruity scent dances around my nostrils as her hair is blown with the warm wind.

I set her down and pull back to look at her face again, waiting for the moment that I wake up in bed from this dream. I thought I might have to pinch myself as I didn't believe it to be real— but no— it was all real. Phoenix is home and she's with her family again.

"I've missed you, Grey," I say to her. Every word of that I meant with every part of my soul. I missed her— I didn't realise how much until now, with her standing before me, wiping away her tears of happiness from her gorgeous yellow eyes— Merlin, her eyes.

"I've missed you too, Weasley."

Weasley— no one said it better than Nix. People said that name like it was a curse, but not to her, it melted off her tongue like sweet honey, even the times she shouted at me, swearing and spitting 'fuck you, Weasley', I could never get enough of her saying that name.

"Well aren't you an interesting thing—"

I felt my heart drop down into my stomach as the whole mood got torn apart by that one sentence coming from Vanessa. I felt my blood run cold and my eyes grow wide as I turn my gaze towards my girlfriend.

Everyone was looking at her with wide eyes and cold stares as she called Phoenix a thing. I flick my eyes back towards Nix and I wasn't surprised to see her yellow orbs bleeding over with a deep red shade— almost as if thick blood filled her eyes.

"Ness—" I began to scold her for being rude but Phoenix was quick to cut in.

"Excuse me?" Phoenix's voice was sharp enough to cut someone. My heart jolted as her eyes burned into Nessa while her fists balled up beside her waist.

Everyone stayed silent— it was awkward. I see Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron all take a few paces back as Phoenix and Nessa had a stare-off. The tension was high and thick with a cocktail of anger and awkwardness. My heart was pounding against my chest as I knew Phoenix wouldn't hesitate to break her nose, so I shuffle myself towards Nessa in case I had to tear her away.

"Oh, your eyes change— how fun, the red is a bit freaky though." Vanessa laughed, flicking her eyes up to me waiting for me to laugh with her. I stayed quiet and attempted to give her a silent warning that she was pushing her luck.

"Watch yourself—" Phoenix seethes through her teeth. I could see her knuckles growing white as her fists tightened.

Malfoy appears behind Phoenix, he was cold, his jaw was hard while his icy eyes cut into Vanessa. His anger matched Phoenix's, while his arms were crossed over his bare chest, I could see his fingers digging into his skin.

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