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Hey guys,
Sorry this chapter is so late, it was such a struggle writing this.
I made a playlist for this chapter, I do have a couple of songs in there, so you can listen along.
My Spotify is Miss Isobelle, and the playlist is Party in the Room of Requirement. Check it out, or if you don't have Spotify you can find the songs on YouTube.

Enjoy <3

The Yule Ball is quietening down, while more and more students leave for the after party. Myself and Hermione are sitting at one of the large tables, drinking and chatting to Ron and Harry.

"I need to change before we go to the party." I say lowly, she nods in agreement and we both stand together.

Getting to our dorm, I quickly remove my dress, shoes and hair comb, placing it back in the box. I put on the matching bra to my dark red underwear, along with a pair of black jeans and a fitted, off shoulder, green corset top.

While I apply my perfume and top up my lipstick, I turn to see what Hermione is wearing. Stopping my tracks to find her throwing an oversized jumper over her head.

"What do you think you're doing, Granger?" I stare at her with blank eyes.

She looks up at me with a confused face. "What? This is comfy."

I let out a sigh, and turn towards my draws, pulling out a mesh, embroidered, black top, I throw the garment at her. "Here put this on, I'm going to burn that jumper."

She scoffs. "Really, Phoenix?" I reply to her with a stern look. With her black strap top and jeans, she looks lovely, taking her hair out, the ringlets fall around her shoulders.

"Perfect, now you're ready for a party." I smile sweetly at her, she rolls her eyes in reply.


While waiting at the wall, the stone grumbles as it morphs into a large door. As it transforms, we begin to hear the loud, booming bass of the music. Excitement grows in my stomach, my eyes bright yellow.

Walking through the large door, holding Hermione by the hand, we make our way deeper into the Room of Requirement. The ceilings are tall, and barely visible. The floor is filled with stuff, all completely random, all piled high.

We follow the path that is visible, it's like a maze, weaving around in all different directions. Getting to a large opening, groups of people are dancing to the loud music. I begin swaying my body to the beat, while dragging Hermione onto the dance floor.

She laughs as I pull onto her hand, eventually giving in completely she starts to move. We dance for a little while, when suddenly I am lifted off my feet. I squeal loudly, while being held in the air, a pair of strong arms are wrapped around my waist.

Seeing Ron and Harry slide up to Hermione, laughing while I squirm in the air, then I see Fred in front of me. "George! Put me down!" I shout. He instantly places me back on my feet, and I whip round to smack him on the shoulder.

"Here you go guys, bottoms up." Fred gives us all a shot, I knock mine back, but instantly feel the burning sensation in my throat. It's vodka... fuck. Instantly screwing my face up, I hear Hermione and Ron coughing. Looking at the twins they have no expression, like they just had a shot of water.

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