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As the train finally arrives at Hogwarts, we all step off and onto the platform. The crisp air hits my lungs as I take a deep inhale.

I've pretty much ignored Fred for the whole journey here, he just continued to watch me the whole time. Every so often we would make eye contact, his angry stare would make my eyes burn, filling the room with thick tension that could be cut with a knife. I knew if I spoke to him about Malfoy, it would turn into an argument, so I stayed quiet.

I walk off the train platform on my own, I needed some time to myself. Getting a carriage up to Hogwarts with a few Hufflepuffs, I look up into the dark sky. The dark blue sky was splattered with stars. I missed looking up to this, my home is so groggy, I don't think I've ever seen a clear sky when I am there.

"Is she the one?—"

"Yeah, she got with Draco."

Oh is this how the year is starting? I think as I hear the group of Hufflepuffs whispering amongst themselves, probably thinking I couldn't hear them talking about me. I roll my eyes and bite my tongue, ignoring their words.

After what felt like an hour long carriage ride, it finally comes to a stop outside the school. All the student head to their dorms to drop off their bags and other belongings. I set my bag down in my dorm, seeing that Hermione has already been up here, she must have made her way back down to the Great Hall.

As I go to walk out the door, I catch myself in the mirror, my red eyes still burning brightly. I must not have let go of the anger that has build up over the past two days. I sigh at myself, and let my hair down, attempting to make my eyes less noticeable.

The Great Hall was full of life, the school ghosts were floating over the tables and riding their horses through the walls, causing chaos. I noticed already that some of the younger years have already had a taste of the Weasley products, some looking slightly green in the face.

Sliding myself next to Hermione, I greet her, Ron and Harry with a smile, listening to their conversation.

"—you are completely capable of doing your own work this year, Ronald." Hermione says sternly.

"Well yeah, but you do it so much better." Ron looks up at her with puppy eyes.

"No, I'm not falling for that this year." Hermione giggles, shaking her head.

As the two bicker back and forth as I scan the room, taking in the atmosphere of perfect chaos. Moving my eyes along the table, I suddenly met with Fred glaring at me. He is sat up the table, with George and Lee.

For a moment my mouth goes dry, not able to remove my gaze from his. The room was muffled in my ears, the sound of my own heart beat is prominent. Fred runs his thumb along his bottom lip, watching me intently.

"Good evening everyone!" Dumbledore's booming voice rips me away from Fred.

Everyone's attention goes to the front of the hall, I scan the teachers table and see my father. He is sitting next to someone who I don't recognise... a woman in bright pink.

Dumbledore introduces this woman to be Dolores Umbridge, our new teacher of the dark arts. There is something about her, she just looked off. As Dumbledore was about to continue his speech, Umbridge stands from the table, taking over with her own.

Yeah... I hate this woman already.

Her high pitched voice and squeaky giggle was infuriating, within seconds of knowing her, she boiled my blood.

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