8.1K 213 368

A/N: OH MY GOD! About a week ago I only just hit half a million and now I'm at 630k! You are amazing! Thank you so so much!


I know most of you are here from TikTok and I can't believe it popped off, but I'm sad that the sound got deleted from that video :( anyway, hi! I'm Issie! Any questions you have I am happy to answer and I hope you are enjoying the story <3

Here is the long awaited chapter for you all, and thank you so much for being so patient with me, I honestly am so grateful to have you all <3

I love you so much and as fucking always...

stay goddamn sexy <3

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6 months later

"George! Move your ass!" I shout in a whisper, attempting to shove the six foot three redhead off my limbs. "You're crushing me!"

"Don't take up the whole bed then, Phee!" He mumbles.

"Oh, you wanna start this now?!"

"Bring it on, sweetheart!"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP!" A voice calls out from the top bunk of the shared room. "It's three in the morning!"

It indeed was three in the morning, in a shared hostel in Australia.

We began our travels through Europe, taking portkeys to different countries every two weeks, moving further and further out until we found ourselves here. We have spent the last couple of months, drinking and partying the night away, meeting new friends and having the time of our life.

We have experienced things that I thought I would never come to experience, the true adrenaline rush of jumping off a cliff double the size as the one from the lagoon into the fresh salty ocean, the wonderful feeling of the wind through my hair as I course down a zip wire above canyons, running naked into the sea being pissed drunk, beating a grown man in a spontaneous wrestling match— never have I ever felt more alive.

Tonight might have been the most uneventful evening we have both experienced within this whole trip, only because we are leaving to go home in the morning.

I couldn't have done all of this without George; yes, right now he is crushing my bones and getting on my last nerve, but this whole trip has been so much better with him by my side. Our friendship has never been so strong, I don't know what I would do without him.

"GEORGE! This is your last chance, move!" I yell, attempting to shove his body off, causing him to fight back and planting his dead weight on top of me.

As he began to fake snore in my ear I let out a low growl.

"That's it!"

I use all my strength and push his body, using my legs to toss him out of the bed and onto the floor. He hits the ground with a loud thump.

"OW!—The fuck, Phee?!" George whines.

I stretch out across the bed and let out a loud dramatic yawn, within the darkness I could see George getting to his feet. I smirk to myself and turn over, pulling all of the covers with me.

In a quick motion, my pillow is snatched from beneath my head and was instantly smacked into my face with hard force.

"AH!— George, you dickhead!"

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