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A/N: The story isn't going along with the books, there are a few changes.

Draco is not the same person from the film or books, he's my DR Draco. No hate please, this is a step in the story that needs to happen, no matter how much you hate me for it.

I'm hella nervous posting this, plz be kind.




My eyes grow wide as his head lifts in reaction to his name falling out of my mouth. Fuck. I quickly turn my gaze away, putting the straw back into my mouth I gulp down the rest of the drink making a loud slurping noise. The vodka hits me quickly, making my head feel fuzzy and my cheeks feel warm. I'm hoping and praying that he doesn't realise it's me, I mean... how could he know, I look completely different.

I didn't know what to do— Draco was here, how could he be here?

Before I could think any more, a drink was placed in front of me, this time it was a fancy looking cocktail, I believe the muggles called it a 'cosmopolitan'. I furrow my brow and look up at Johnny.

"That dude over there got it for you." He says while wiggling his brows at me, tilting his head towards Draco. I feel my face flush slightly as the three men beside me bellow out loud hoots and cheers, slamming their hands against the bar. I let out an awkward laugh and quickly hush them by placing my finger against my lips.

I attempt to sneak another look at Malfoy, trying to study him in my peripheral vision. He's changed— a lot in two years. Although his platinum hair was still the same, cut short at the sides and the length on top combed back, his face was sharper, cheekbones and jaw looking as if they're ready to cut someone. He came dressed more casually, usually his fashion of a full black suit with dress shoes is taken over by still an all-black look but with a black turtleneck jumper, black jeans and boots. He is wearing a silver chain around his neck which pops against the black jumper, along with his usual silver rings. Draco has become more stocky, his shoulders broader and arms snuggly fit in the jumper and by the look of it, he's grown slightly taller.

Draco sits in silence while scanning the area around him, his fingers fiddling with his rings. His eyes momentarily flick towards me, and I could feel the coldness of his stare, his grey eyes piercing through the lightly crowded bar.

I didn't realise my heart was beating frantically, I was rather drunk so my awareness was slowed down. I could feel the anxiety weighing down my chest causing my breathing to be short and more frantic, desperate for oxygen. I focused myself and began taking deeper breaths through my nose and out my mouth— I needed air... and a fucking cigarette.

"Bill, you got a cigarette?" I breathe. Bill pulls a pack out of his pocket, flicking it over to me as he chugs down his— what I thought to be his twelfth pint. I give him a thankful smile and head out the back door to the smoking area taking my cosmopolitan with me.

Thankfully the outdoor area was empty, so I slump myself on a plastic beer casket while pulling out a cigarette with my teeth from the packet, clicking the lighter a few times to ignite the flame. Setting the tip of the cigarette alight, I take a long deep drag allowing the burning smoke to enter my lungs. I lean my head back against the stone wall of the pub and let out the smoke with a long sigh, feeling my heartbeat slow down and my anxiety calms sufficiently, although it spikes back up again when Draco walks through the door.

He is holding an unlit cigarette of his own between his lips. Draco momentarily flicks his gaze towards me but I ignore him, continuing to take puffs of smoke and letting them go through my nostrils.

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