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After getting my self dressed, wrapping myself in a large black jumper, with leggings, throwing on my Gryffindor scarf and hat, I make my way down towards the common room, where the Weasley twins are waiting for me.

We make our way towards the Black Lake, where Harry will be doing his second task. As we begin reaching more people, George flips open his gambling booth, which hangs on his chest.

"Roll up roll up! Place your bets people!" Fred shouts.

I give them both a ridiculous look, rolling my eyes as I walk away.

The cold air breezes through me, I pull the sleeves of my jumper over my hands. Spotting Harry further ahead, I call him as I run over.

"Harry, you haven't seen Hermione have you?" He looks nervous, I don't really blame him, but he shoots me a confused look.

"I was going to ask you if you had seen Ron?" His brows furrow.

My face drops. Both of them, missing. My stomach fills with anxiety. I touch Harry on the shoulder, attempting to comfort him.

After climbing out of the boat, I make my way to the front of the crowd with Harry. As he prepares for the task, I make my way up to the second floor, so I could watch from higher up.

Dumbledore makes his announcement, stating rules and what the champions need to find in the lake. Everyone is cheering and clapping as the loud boom of the cannon goes off.

Cedric, Viktor and Fleur all dive into the lake, where as Harry gets pushed in, by Moody. Watching the lake with worried eyes, I try to any sign of Harry.

Suddenly he flips out of the water, with large fins and gills. I let out a sigh of relief, clapping along with the rest of the crowd.

Fred and George snake up behind me, yelling loudly. I smile at them both, as they squish me in the middle of them, I don't really mind though, their heat is keeping me warm.

The cheering dies down, and quiet conversation is heard throughout the groups. I continue to stare at the water, waiting for a sign. All I can hear is the twins talking rubbish above me, as I lean over the railing.

First Fleur comes out of the water, empty handed.

Some time later, Cedric appears out of the water, with Cho. The crowd roars, as he swims with her towards the docks.

It finally clicks in my brain, that's where Hermione and Ron are. As these thoughts come to my head, Viktor breaks the water, with Hermione.

A sigh of relief comes out of my mouth, I quickly turn and run down the stairs. As soon as I get to the bottom, she had reached the edge, lifting herself out of the water. I grab towels, running towards her.

"Oh my god Hermione! I was so worried." I wrap the towel around her, she's shaking like a leaf. I bring her in for a tight hug, taking my scarf and wrapping it around her neck.

Hearing the water break again, coughing and spluttering sounds reach my ears, it's Ron and Fleur's little sister, but no Harry. Helping them out of the water and wrapping them in warm blankets and towels.

Harry suddenly shoots out of the water, landing on the podium, spitting water. Everyone tends to him, his face covered in marks from the Grindylows.

After saving two people, Harry was awarded second place, the crowd cheers for him.


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