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A/N: Hey everyone!

I know I haven't been very good with keeping up with chapters recently and I'm so sorry, I've been very busy with work and super tired when I come home so I haven't felt my best when I've attempted to write.

This chapter has been planned for a while, so I hope you enjoy and don't hate me <3

ILY and stay sexy <3

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I couldn't shift the feeling of uncertainty that infests my mind and body.

I desperately searched the horizon and the field for any sign that is giving me this gut-wrenching anxiety. My heartbeat is spiked and pulses against my eardrums while my breath is harshly sucked in and out of my lungs.

The last remains of the sun still dimly lights up the field with a deep red glow, while the rest of the sky is leaked over with the midnight blue. There wasn't a cloud in sight, allowing the stars to clatter themselves over the darkness, flickering with light as the sun disappears.

I didn't notice until now that I was anxiously picking at the skin on my thumb, the faint pain makes me blink out of my trance with the view outside.

As I look down at my reddened thumb, a hand slowly caresses my shoulder, making me jump out of my skin. In a quick, unknowing reaction, I reach for my knife that sits in the holder and immediately grab the persons wrist, twisting myself around and pointing the knife at their face.

My eyes meet with a pair of wide green ones— it was Harry.

"Woah— Phoenix. S-sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Harry muttered.

I let go of the breath I was holding and slowly lower my knife away from Harry's face.

"Sorry Harry, I guess I'm just a bit on edge," I mutter while turning my head back towards the window.

"Phee, what's going on?" Harry asked, his tone full of worry and concern.

I meet his eyes once again, searching his feelings through my hand on his skin.

"You feel it too?" I whisper. Harry sucks in a nervous breath and nods.

His hair is slightly parted, revealing the scar that made him so famous, so known to the world as — The Boy Who Lived.

I reach up to his face and gently move his hair out of the way, revealing his scar to me. The lighting cascading over a small part of his forehead scarred deep into the delicate skin. As my thumb comes into contact with his skin Harry winces and sucks in a breath through his teeth causing me to snatch my hand back.

I look at him while his eyes twitch and his jaw tightens as if he were pushing something back. I felt a spike in my anxiety again and shoot a glare out of the window.

A loud grumble sounds from outside and I search for the source of the sound. A small yet bright light begins getting larger and larger as a fast pace towards the house.

My heart drops.

Before Harry could say anything, I leave him on the landing. I race down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone is still sat eating and chatting loudly. As I sprint around the corner, I bump into Sirius, almost toppling over.

"Hey hey— what's the urgency, darling." Sirius chuckles, gripping my arms to aid me in balancing myself.

My breathing was heavy and I felt I could barely speak. I turn my head and meet Draco's eyes, to which he reacts immediately, knowing the panic in my eyes.

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