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A/N: HEY EVERYONE! Welcome new readers!

I want to say a huge thank you for coming to read my book from tiktok, honestly I'm baffled that my story is now on 243k!! THANK YOU!!

I post a lot of updates and stuff on my instagram which is @missisobelle, so please go follow if you want updates on chapters and other fun stuff.

I want to do a little Q&A on this chapter as well, so any questions you have about myself or the story, leave them here --->

I won't be answering anything that would spoil the story, but yeah! Ask away my sexy lot <3

Oh yeah.... Stay sexy <3

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Draco Malfoy POV

"Phoenix... PHOENIX!"

My heartbeat frantically as I watched Phoenix lose consciousness, I lightly tapped her face to attempt waking her but she was growing cold and lifeless, her skin paling leaving a tinge of blue painted over her beautiful face and lips. I rested my forehead against hers again, attempting to feel a breath.

"Phoenix— please don't die, I need you," I whisper. I feel a faint skim of airbrushed on my lips— she was alive, but not for long if Granger doesn't fix her wounds.

"Fuck!" Hermione blurted.

My eyes immediately went towards her and I could see all of the cuts on Phoenix's torso had reopened. Blood poured out of the wounds at a fast pace, I felt a mix of fear and rage come over me as Granger shakily started casting the healing spells over her torso once again.

"Granger, it's not fucking working!" I spit. I couldn't— I couldn't lose her.

"Bandages!— get me some bandages!" She demanded. "I will close the wounds and if we bandage her up tightly the spell will hold, I'll— I'll soak them in dittany, they will help with the healing.."

My heart was thumping in my ears and my skin was burning hot. I turn my head to see Potter and Weasley running back into the house, George was hysterical— I see him running his fingers through his hair while tears fell down his face, he paced the grass while his sister attempted to soothe him.

Then I see his twin— I didn't notice that he came over to Phoenix. Fred's eyes were wide and his face paled as he looked upon Phoenix's lifeless body. He turned and looked back towards Vanessa, who is still led on the floor holding her broken nose.

"Vanessa— what the fuck did you do?" He spat, turning and taking a few strides towards the girl.

She forced herself upright and looked at Fred. I could see her nose was fucked— completely caved in almost and one of her eyes was bruised, almost swollen shut. Upon seeing her, I felt anger explode in my stomach.

"You fucking bitch!" I seethe while lifting away from Phoenix and striding towards Vanessa. "YOU EVIL FUCKING BITCH!"

Fred stopped me from reaching her, standing in my way while placing a firm hand on my shoulder. My eyes instantly met his and I felt a shockwave of anger ricochet through me.

"You're protecting her?" I say lowly. My eyes twitch as his jaw tightens slightly. "YOU'RE PROTECTING HER! She is the reason Phoenix is bleeding out on the ground!"

"That crazy bitch hit me first!" Vanessa yelled over me.

"You fucking deserved it—" I point a threatening finger towards the girl.

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