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My stomach was in knots, I couldn't believe it. 

They did it. 

The beautifully painted words of Weasley Wizard Wheezes on the bright orange windows, it was like I was dreaming. What once was a small treehouse, hidden in the woodland area near the burrow— now a huge shop on the street of Diagon Alley, and from the looks of the amount of people inside, it was a popular shop also. 

I felt a small ache in my stomach as I looked upon the Weasley name painted in gold. I missed out on this fantastic step in their life, I wasn't there to congratulate them or help them with the set up. 

As people walk out of the front door, the loud chime of the bell snaps me out of my daydream. My heart skips a beat as I watch the happy children come running out with handfuls of products from the shop. I couldn't help the smile that creeps upon my lips, as I edge towards the door to enter.

Something is holding me back— I hesitate to open the door. What if they know it's me, what if they figure it out, what if— I meet eyes with my own reflection, but it's not me starting back. I am someone else, I don't have the white hair that they're so familiar with, and my eyes are a normal colour, not bright yellow or purple or glowing. I'm someone else, not Phoenix. 

Running my fingers through my hair, I tell myself that they wouldn't even know it was me unless they could read my mind, which I know they can't. Taking in a deep breath, I take the plunge and step through the door. 

The bell jingles as the door opens wide, making me jump once again. I immediately scold myself on my shifty behaviour, shaking my head while walking further into the shop. The wonderful smell of gunpowder and sweets hits my nose, making my eyes flutter close as I inhale the scent. 

Almost immediately as I get deeper into the shop, I had to duck to avoid a whizzing firework, everyone was smiling and laughing as the firework flew off into the air and disappeared with a small fizz. This was full of Fred and George's personality, completely chaotic. 

I scan the shelves, drinking in all of the different types of products— all the while scanning around the shop to see if Fred or George were anywhere to be seen, but I haven't laid eyes on them yet, so I continue to look upon the shelves. 

Fireworks, Skiving Snackboxes, a ton of pranking products, there was so much to take in. Shelves on top of shelves full of stuff that kids were itching to get their hands on. It was all a work of art. I couldn't help but beam with pride as I see the queue for the tills.

Something catches my eye as I go to walk towards their potion section. A box with a picture of an eye on the front, it was a peculiar looking product. I picked it up and scanned the box, and as I moved it around, the colour of the iris changed. It would transform from yellow to blue, pink to green— the bright colours switching as the light bounces off the picture. On the side of the box I noticed the label:

Eye of the Phoenix- Eye changing mood candy. 

I furrowed my brow as I read upon the label, instantly turning it over to read the description on the back. 

"Afternoon darlin'." 

A voice form behind me makes my heart jolt, gasping loudly as my whole body jumps. The box in my hands falls out of my hands and onto the floor. I quickly whip around towards the voice to meet eyes with a familiar face. 

"Oh Merlin— I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." 

It was George. 

"Oh it's okay— i-it's not a problem." I stutter, leaning down to retrieve the box from the floor, but as I lean over, George does the same, and we both clash heads. 

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