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{I would like to thank @poppyflwrs for helping me with this chapter<3}

I slowly awake, hearing the soft whispers of Fred and George. I am still engulfed in Fred, my face in his chest, with his arms wrapped around me. They're talking softly, about their plans for the new school year and selling their products. Stirring in Fred's arms, the two boys go silent.

"Good morning, intruder." Fred laughs, kissing me on the top of my head.

"Sorry...Ginny was a nightmare last night, and you guys looked so comfy." I chuckle.

"Hey! I can hear you y'know." Ginny calls out from the bed.

We all start cracking up. "Ginny, you're a pain in the ass when you sleep, don't even deny it." George laughs.

A pillow comes flying from the bed and collides with George's face. Everyone bursts into fits of laughter.

"Oi! I'm trying to bloody sleep here!" Ron grumbles, turning over in a huff, and everyone holds back their snickers.

After breakfast with everyone, Hermione shows me the large library, where she said is the place she has spent most of her time, a place to get away from all the Weasley energy.

The library is beautiful. The walls full; ceiling to floor, of books. It was Hermione's sweet shop, in book form. She continues to tell me about some of the books she had read over the course of being at Grimmauld Place, recommending a book called Potions for the Curious.

"- is everything okay, Phoenix? You've not been yourself since last night." Hermione questions, tilting her head to one side.

My heart spikes, swallowing hard as her eyes bore into me.

"Come on, you were silent during breakfast... what is it?" Hermione pulls me onto the small sofa.

I chew on my lip, wondering if I should tell her what's going on... what I heard last night. Flicking my eyes between her and my knitted hands, I attempt to find the words to explain.

"I- I heard my dad talking to Sirius last night..."

Hermione's brows knit together, shifting her position to sit to face me, tucking her leg underneath her.

"I'm certain they were talking about me... dad was saying that he couldn't protect me, and that I'm not safe."

"What did Sirius say?" Hermione says, face full of worry.

I shook my head. "That I'm needed, that I could keep harry safe, I- I don't know what that means." I feel a slight sense of fear come through me, my eyes turning cold grey.

Hermione's eyes flicker. I could see her mind working in overdrive, attempting to figure out what all of this means.

She lets out a frustrated huff. "I got nothing..." She says with the look of defeat on her face. "I'm sure something will come to light soon, just try not to let it worry you." She places her hand on my shoulder, comforting me, to which I sigh and nod.


Later that night, Harry arrived, and he most definitely has a few words to say. He yelled at Hermione and Ron for not sending him letters, updates... anything. I felt bad for him, after everything that's happened, he must of felt really alone over summer.

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