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A/N: Quick question.. what do you think Phoenix's patronus would be? 

Phoenix is based off myself and I have felt that I could never find a test that makes me feel like they actually suited me to my correct patronus, so I just want to know by reading about her character, what you would think she would have? 

I also want to address something.. This is not a Fred Weasley fanfic, I have not put Fred Weasley in the title for this reason, yes his and George's name are in the description, but this is only to show that they are the main friends of Phoenix.. this is about Phoenix's character and her story that I have created, Fred is a character that I adore as well as George, but there is going to be plot twists and changes within the story, and I feel that's the exciting thing about it.  

I appreciate every single one of you for taking the time to read my story, I hope you know that I am so thankful. Please don't forget to leave a vote and comments, it's so fun to read all of your thoughts <3 

Let's get into the story...


After bidding our thanks to all of the students that had attended our first class, everyone sneaked out of the Room of Requirement in small groups. I stayed behind with Harry to help clear and put things away after a busy class. 

"It's alright, Phee." Harry says, giving me a warm smile. "You go ahead, I'm gonna set this station up." Harry lifts a bunch of news clippings and photographs for him to place into the mirrored dresser. 

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow then, Harry." I say warmly, brushing my hand over his back before making my way towards the door.

"Oh, Phoenix..." Harry calls to grab my attention once again. "I really appreciate the help, you were fantastic today." 

Harry's words make my lips prick with a smile. "Thank you, you too." I reply, giving Harry one last smile before making my way out into the empty corridor. 

The autumn air is brisk, causing me to wrap my arms around myself to encase my heat. The hallway was very quiet, only lit with the dim candles that are held on the walls. I feel more tired than usual after a heavy evening of using magic and teaching, I must give props to my dad for doing this everyday. 

As I get into the common room, I hum along to a song that plays in my head. The sofas were sparse, only a very patiently waiting Fred Weasley sits in the middle of the sofa facing the door. He is sitting with his legs spread and his elbows resting on his knees while his head hangs down. 

At first I couldn't tell if it was Fred or George, but with the ring on his middle finger told me that is was my Freddie. As I walk in humming, his attention quickly turns to me, with his brown eyes darkly boring into me. 

"Ohh—you look stressed, darling." I joke. "Everything alright?" 

Fred lifts off the sofa and saunters over to me, eyes flicking up and down my body, making my stomach tighten. He doesn't say a word, and as he reaches me, Fred's hand glades along my jaw and threads through the hair on the nape of my neck. Chills radiate down my spine, and my breath is quickly sucked in my lungs.

"I've missed being able to touch you." He says softly, the warmth of his tone makes my heart sing. Fred leans down and plants his lips softly on mine, and only for a simple moment it felt like everything in the world went silent, that it was only me and him in the whole castle.

I ached for more as he pulled away. It took everything in my power not to tear his clothes off of him right here, the tension between us was at an all time high. Fred keeps his hand in my hair, and his face stayed so close to mine. I hear a low grumbling sigh from Fred's throat. 

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