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A/N: What's a fan fiction without a never have I ever game in it? hehehe...

Thank you so much for you support on my previous chapter, like I said this one is going to be a lot longer <3 WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 200K AHHHH! 

ily guys so much, you sexy lot stay sexy <3 

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Since being back to the burrow, I have had much better sleep. Now mostly sleeping throughout the night with no bad dreams or night terrors. I still wake up early for training, which has become more vigorous.

It has been a couple of days since Fred and I spoke. He wouldn't look me in the eye at all and has stayed at Vanessa's the past day. I felt guilty for shouting at him but at the same time, I was still so angry at him for being an inconsiderate asshole.

I wake in Draco's arms, his limbs tangle around me like ivy. My back is against his chest while his arms wrap around me. Draco engulfed me, his large muscular body taking over me completely. I wiggle in his arms to try and break free and I hear him let out a low hum.

"Good morning, darling." Draco's low, raspy voice sends chills over my body.

I feel him grip my hip with his fingers and grinds himself against my backside. I feel his morning erection being pressed against me causing my breath to hitch in my throat. Draco begins to kiss my neck all over, he bends the arm that rests under my neck and uses his hand to pull my head further to one side, allowing him more access to my neck.

"Good morning to you too." I moan, grinding my backside against him more, causing a low groan to leave Draco's lips.

He suddenly lifts and climbs on top of me. I meet his eyes, full of lust and passion as he looks down at me, a small smirk pulling upon his lips. Wearing only a large shirt to bed, he doesn't hesitate to pull his boxers down and sink into me, letting out a low, hushed moan.

His hands glide up my naked body underneath my shirt while his mouth trails kisses along my jaw. I trace my hands up his arms that rest either side of my head, feeling every curve, every scar, every muscle as they flexed beneath my fingertips.

"Let's skip training this morning— I just want you like this. In bed. Naked. With me." Draco said between kisses.

I moan and wrap my legs around him, locking my ankles together, bringing him deeper inside of me. His hushed moan was music to my ears and he began to move, his thrusts deliciously slow, the pleasure taking over my whole body.

He is my sanctuary— my safety.

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Draco and I lay naked in each other's arms. He traces over the scars on my back while I run my finger over his newly silvered scar on his ribcage from the arrow wound.

"Aren't we a damaged pair." He chuckles, moving his hand over my shoulder scar.

That scar was the worst one on my body, the splinching was so deep it made the scar thick and jagged. It spread out over my shoulder like small lightning bolts, his finger tracing over them in the same patterns.

"How did you get most of these?" I ask, moving my hand over his large one that covers his ribs.

"My father— he trained me with knives or had Auntie Bella train me, she was the better wielder though." Draco began. "When I started, Auntie Bella wouldn't hold back— you think I don't hold back with you— she didn't care if she cut me."

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