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A/N: Hey everyone <3

I know you missed it! So here you go, you horny devils!


My eyes slowly flutter open as the glow of the sun pours into the room.

I don't remember getting back to The Burrow— or getting into bed at all, all I knew is that my body was in pieces. pain seared through my entire being from my head to my toes, every muscle, every piece of me was destroyed from war.

The room was lit up with a golden hue but it wasn't the morning glow, the sun was setting, I had been asleep all day.

I let out a small groan and slowly lift myself from the mattress and sit upright. Rubbing my temples with my fingers as my head thumps with pain.

"You're finally awake,"

The sudden voice breaks the silence and my adrenalin spikes, sparking fear throughout my body. I react quickly and conjure my magic, whipping myself around towards the voice. My wrist is caught and my glowing hand is stopped directly in front of the face of Draco Malfoy.

Draco raises his brow and grips my wrist, he gives me a small smile before kissing my glowing palm.

I let go of the breath I was holding and settle my magic, the glow reducing back into my skin until it disappears completely.

He sits beside the bed in a small chair wearing grey joggers and a loose fitted top. The top of his platinum hair has grown a little too long so it was now tied up in a small bun while the back and sides were still cut short. His rings were in place on each finger as his hand wraps around my wrist.

"S-Sorry, I guess I'm a little—"

"Don't be," Draco interrupts with a soft tone while releasing my wrist. "I'm just glad you're awake, it's been three days since... since everything."

My eyes grow wide. "Three days?! I've been sleeping for that long?"

Draco chuckles softly, his laugh was something I haven't heard for months and I didn't realise how much I've missed it— how much I've missed him.

"You fell asleep up in the astronomy tower, so I brought you back here," Draco turns and lifts a glass of water from the bedside table and hands it to me.

I take the glass and take a sip. Nothing had ever tasted so fantastic in my life, that first sip of water was like the most delicious thing in the world, I let out a small moan as I drink the crisp liquid until the whole glass was gone.

"Is everyone here?" I ask while wiping away the water from my lips.

Draco nods. "Now and again they all come in to check on you, I think they will be glad to see that you're awake, especially George, he comes in every hour to see if you have woken up." He chuckles again.

I let out a small laugh and immediately stop. This feeling of happiness was strange to me, giggling when I had lost so much. I almost felt guilty for laughing when the memories of war and death were still fresh on my mind. My dad's lifeless body being the deepest memory that had been branded into my brain, something I will never let go of.

I shut my eyes and try to push away the poisonous flashbacks that give me so much pain, my eyes welling up being my eyelids, tears desperate to break through.

"Hey," Draco says softly, he pulls my face to meet his with his finger underneath my chin.

As they open, meeting Draco's sparkling silver eyes, the tears streak down my cheek, only to be caught by his thumb, wiping them away with a swipe.

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