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{Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is a little bit boring, it's just a filler until we get to the good stuff. This chapter does contain very light talk about contraceptive and preventing pregnancy, I didn't know whether or not to put a disclaimer so I'm just putting it out there. I'm all for practicing safe sex and owning your own bodies as long as you're safe doing so, I am here if anyone needs advise on anything. As always, Stay sexy <3} 


I wake with a start. Scanning the room, everything was taken by darkness, it must have been the middle of the night. I could feel someone led on my stomach, as I reach down to feel their head, I  feel Fred's soft hair against my fingertips.  

I'm led on my back, still in my underwear and Fred's shirt. He led between my thighs on his front, his head rested on my stomach with his arms spread out over the bed. Fred led shirtless, only dressed in his trousers, long legs hung off the end of the bed and his mouth parted allowing him to breath heavily through his lips as he slept. I run my fingers through his fiery hair in attempt to awake him, to which he slightly stirred, smacking his lips together as he nuzzled into my stomach. 

"Hey Freddie, wake up." I whisper, still running my fingers through his hair. 

"Hmm— why?" Fred groaned, his voice husky. 

"Because, you're in my room— you're not allowed to stay here." I giggle, still keeping my voice low to prevent waking Hermione who sleeps soundly across the room. 

"I've stayed here before— just shh."  Fred grumbles, slapping me on the face with his large hand, making me giggle more. 

"Fred— I'm cold! I'm only in my underwear." I attempt to shove him off me, but it was no use, he was stuck. 

"Mm, but I like you like this." He groans, turning his head, planting kisses against my bare stomach. "I can get you hot and bothered if you like?" He says against my skin. 

"No— Not now, Fred." I chuckle. Fred move his arms to lift himself up, giving me a gorgeous view of his back muscles flexing as he pushed against the bed. The room was dimly lit with the blue moonlight, only giving me partial vision of Fred's beautiful body, every muscle carved to perfection. He hovers over me, face level with mine. I could barely see any of his features, just the feeling of his hot breath on my lips and the slight tint of orange from his hair. 

"Boring." He whispers against my lips, closing the gap for a moment. His lips feel like electric against mine, causing me to ache for more as he pulls away. Fred flops to the side of me, finally allowing me to lift myself off the bed. He yawns and snuggles into my pillow as I pad towards my dresser. 

"Lumos." I whisper, casting a soft blue light from my hand. The blue light radiated from my skin, coursing through my veins, with a brighter light illuminating my palm. It lowly whistles as I flick my wrist, throwing it softly into the darkness, to which it floats midair, lighting up my side of the room. From the bed I could hear Fred lowly chuckling to himself.  

Turning around, he watches me with his arms behind his head, his dark, sleepy eyes full of desire. His trousers undone around his waist, and his hair messy, probably from sleep and our events hours before. 

"You ok there, Freddie?" I chuckle, allowing the shirt I was wearing to fall off my body, then tugging down my underwear. 

"You just amaze me— with everything you do." Fred says. His words make my heart swell, almost choked up even. I swallow back the lump in my throat, and continue to undress, flicking the back of my bra so it unhooked and fell off my shoulders. "Oh now we're talking!" He cheers, quickly getting to his feet. 

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