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Just to let you guys know, I am not following the story line of how the Yule Ball goes, I will be adding a few things.

Enjoy <3

I spend the rest of the evening in my room, replaying the dream in my head over and over. How could I have possibly of dreamt of being with both of them.

I like Fred a lot, but there's something about George, they are so similar, yet so different. Fred is cheeky and dominant, and George is soft and sweet. Although I feel he may have a dark side.

I sit on my bed, reading. I could tell it was rather late from how dark it was outside.

I hear a knock at the door, it causes my stomach to flip, but I shout to allow the person to enter anyway. It's Hermione, I let out a sigh of relief as she comes stumbling in.

Closing up my book, I scooch to the bottom of my bed, sitting cross legged.

"Hey, have fun?" I ask her, she looks rosy in the cheeks, telling me she may of had a couple drinks.

"Yeah, where were you though? Fred and George said you ran off to our room in a hurry." She sits on her bed, flicking her shoes off.

I feel my face flush, questioning myself whether to tell Hermione the truth or not, biting my lip, I look down at my fingers.

"Phoenix, what happened?" She sounded worried.

"No, nothing bad! I'm just confused."

Her brows furrow, tilting her head at me. I begin nibbling at my fingers, feeling nervous to tell her about my very erotic dream.

"Tell me. Come on, I'm your best friend." She lies down on her side, getting comfortable.

I let out a huff, "I-I had a dream..."

"About what?" She questions.

"About Fred-"

"That's not that ba-"

"And George." I cut in, stopping Hermione in the middle of her sentence, she freezes, I watch her as she computes what I said. 

Hermione's eyes widen, mouth beginning to gape wider, it forms into a large smile. She bursts into a fit of laughter, holding her stomach, rolling around on the bed.

Hermione flicks her head up at me, wiping tears from her eyes. "Both of them... interesting." She giggles, leaning back up on her elbows.

I stay silent, just staring down at my fingers. "How was it?" She raises her brow at me, I see a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

I snort, the dream still vivid in my mind, as if it actually happened. Biting my lip, I look back up at Hermione, who's glaring at me for information.

Oh fuck.

"It was... incredible." I giggle, "Like, I know it was a dream, but it felt so real."

Hermione gasps, "Oh my god, that's so funny." She chuckles, "You think you're going to tell them?"

"No way! They won't let me live it down." I push down the thought of telling them, hell no.

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