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Two weeks go by, and I've kept my distance from Pansy. I've also kept my head down, focusing on my work and getting my essays in on time. My new friends are great, Hermione has been helping me with my studies, we've sort of helped each other with the subjects we are best at, spending most of our evenings in the library.

Fred and George have said that later on tonight we should have a little get together in the Gryffindor common room, they said they would bring something special. I have no idea what they would be bringing but, the thought excites me.

The evening comes, and I quickly change into something more comfortable for the evening, throwing on an oversized jumper, and sliding on a pair of shorts underneath. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and head down into the common room.

I see everyone already formed into a circle, the group are either sitting on the floor or on one of the sofas. I skip down the steps and smile as everyone looks up.

Fred turns around, and I catch his eyes flicking over my figure, with a small smirk pulling at his lips. I start to flush slightly as I walk over to them.

"So boys, what's this special surprise you have for us?" I ask, while squeezing between them on the sofa.

Fred and George look at each other with cheeky grins. "Alright, you can't say anything, but we managed to steal this—we won't say who from." Fred says, pulling out a bottle with a bag wrapped over it.
He pulls the bag off and it's a bottle of fire whiskey.

"Holy shit! You legends!" I exclaim loudly, covering my mouth quickly after everyone hushes me.

As Fred pours everyone a drink, I take out my wand and flick it towards the record player, it comes to life, playing some upbeat music.

Fred hands me a glass of the amber liquid, bringing the glass to my lips, the burning sensation hits the back of my throat, it's delicious.

After a while and  a couple of drinks, my face starts to heat up, giggling uncontrollably at anything that was slightly funny. I look over to Fred, who is sat next to me, his cheeks looking flourished, his chiselled jaw, and beautiful brown eyes. He makes me melt.

"Phoenix?" Ron says, tearing me away from Fred.

"Hmm?" I turn my gaze over to Ron. He smirks at me, flitting his eyes between me and Fred.

"I asked what Beauxbatons was like?" Ron smiled, looking similar to the rest of us, with rosy cheeks.

"Oh! It was shit, just not suited for me. But I learnt a lot!" I look around the group and they all stare with inquisitive eyes.

"I took up dance while I was there, It was pretty much the only thing that kept me there for as long a I did." I reminisce on the fond memories of dancing.

"I miss it a lot."

"What so you're a ballet dancer then?" Ron's face going redder after every sip.

"Well, yeah pretty much. I know other forms of dance as well, but ballet was taught the most."

I take another sip, holding my glass over to Fred, gesturing for a refill.

More drinks are poured, the more drunk we get, the common room full of laughter. After a short while, one by one, everyone starts turning in. First Ron, Harry follows behind closely, both struggling to get up the stairs. Hermione is close in third, she stands and wobbles, nearly falling over her own feet, I giggle at her and shake my head.

George stands, putting Hermoine's arm around his neck. "I'm gonna put her to bed and turn in myself guys. See you tomorrow." George scoops her up in his arms and taker her away.

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