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I awake early the next day, ready for my first set of classes at Hogwarts. Hermione is up already, scanning over her books that she's placing into her bag. Quickly getting out of bed, I dress in my uniform and tie my hair up in a bun. Putting my wand in my sock, and grabbing my books for the day, I am ready.

Walking to my first class, it's spells and potions—with my dad. Typical my first lesson ever at Hogwarts is with my dad, I roll my eyes and walk in with Harry, Ron and Hermione. We take a seat at a round table with a couple of other students that I didn't meet yesterday. They introduce themselves as Neville and Seamus.   

Watching my dad being all serious, it's rather funny to me, a few times I had to hold in a few giggles as he teaches the class. He glanced over at me a few times, probably making sure I'm not doing something I'm not.

We were studying what was called Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. Love never really came to me when I was at Beauxbatons, I didn't have a lot of friends— well no friends really, there were a few girls that would just be nice to me, but I was always alone.

"So—whatever you smell in this potion is the things that attract you the most?" I ask Hermione, scanning the pot of bubbling potion that glows a deep pink shade. Turning my head, Hermione is flushed crimson, her pink cheeks glowing the same shade as the potion itself.

"What do you smell?" I giggle

"Freshly cut grass, books and spearmint." She says, looking utterly intoxicated. "Go ahead, Phoenix."

I shrug, leaning my head towards the pot, taking in a long, deep inhale over the steaming liquid. Instantly I was hit with the smell of mens cologne, sweets, broomsticks and a wood fire.

I could see why Hermione looked the way she did, it smelt utterly divine, making me let out an audible hum in my throat. I open my eyes slowly, realising that the whole table was looking at me. Blinking out of my daze, I laugh awkwardly.

"Wow, your eyes Phoenix!" Hermione gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" I quickly grab a reflective object, which was a metal spoon, and to my surprise, my eyes were a strong, hot pink shade. I raise my brow and stare at my eyes in awe.

"Well that's new." I laugh, putting the spoon back onto the table.

"Have you never had that colour in your eyes before, Phoenix?" Harry questions.

"No I haven't actually, I'm guessing this is the colour of love and desire,—" I could feel my face heat up as I speak. "When I was at my old school, I didn't have many friends, and I didn't really connect with anyone— that way." I bite my lip and suppress the feeling, my eyes quickly change back to my turquoise blue.


Later on that day, I'm wandering through the halls, with a free period before it was lunch. I couldn't get the scents of Amortentia out of my mind. Merlin it was so intoxicating.

Shocking me out of my thoughts, I suddenly feel multiple hands on me, making me scream loudly as I was lifted into the air. Squirming and writhing against their grip, I am once again placed onto the ground.

Whipping around, I collide one of my palms with one of the pranksters face, realising that face was Fred Weasley. His associate was of course George, who was now laughing hysterically, keeling over in fits of laughter.

"Damn—Harry was right, you should not be messed with!" Fred chuckles, rubbing his now reddened cheek.

"Fuck! You boys scared the shit out of me!" I shout while pushing them lightly, making them laugh and joke. My shoves were barely moving them as they pushed me back.

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