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A/N: Fucking hell I never thought I would finish this chapter. 

I am so lucky to have you guys, It has been over a year since I last posted and I am so sorry for that. 

Anyway, this is the final chapter of Little Phoenix -Draco's ending. I still want to do a Fred ending but I need to work out a whole lot to make it happen. Please be nice as I know some of the things in this chapter may not be what you expect or want from this story. 

Leave love and comments as I love hearing from you guys <3 

I hope you enjoy and I love you all x x


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"Hmm... Good morning, Wife."

The low and sultry voice brushes against my neck as Draco kisses my shoulder. I couldn't stop the smile pulling at my lips. The gravel in his tone sends shivers down my spine, and the softness of his lips along my skin awakens something deep within me.

I stretch my neck to allow him more access. Feeling his smile spread along his gorgeous mouth sends fire coursing through my veins.

"Good morning, Husband." I purr back, receiving a deep and sexy groan from Draco's throat.

"I will never get tired of hearing you say that." He mutters against the crook of my neck, continuing to nip and kiss his way up to my jaw.

Draco pushes his hips against my backside. Allowing me to feel his morning erection, so desperate for attention.

"Do we have time?" He whispers, his breath fanning gains my ear before taking the lobe between his teeth.

I suck in a breath, cracking an eye open to take a glance at the clock on the wall. "Not really." I push back against him. Draco drags his hand over my stomach, gliding down my sensitive skin, leaving tiny volts of electricity in his wake.

"Well, I guess Professor Malfoy will have to be late." He says with a smirk, slipping his fingers between my legs.

I begin to wiggle out of his arms. "Draco, I can't be late today, you know this," I let out with a groan. Wanting so desperately to stay in bed with him.

He growls low in his throat, pulling me tighter against his body, pressing himself harder against my hip and burying his face in the crook of my neck. He makes it all the more difficult to leave this bed. His scent of citrus and bergamot with a hint of leather made my mouth salivate, the smell wafting up my nose as his arms wrapped around me like ivy.

"It's a new year," I begin, Draco has already heard this a million times but I have been so nervous about it all for weeks. "New students, new first years, and might I add it's my first year being head of Slytherin— OW!" Draco nips a little too hard at my neck, not listening to a word I was saying.

"Bastard!" I laugh, trying to fight the horny fucker off of me... and failing.

"Don't forget I'm cold-hearted too." He adds, licking over the sore skin he had bitten, soothing my flesh.

I scoff and roll my eyes at his comment. "Draco, I'm being serious, I need to get up." I wriggle again, this time being successful.

Draco slumps away from me, turning and lying on his back. Resting his arms behind his head, I am granted with a beautiful sight. The duvet is pulled down to the point of almost revealing all of his modesty, but my eyes wander over his hardened muscles. Scars decorating his skin all over, he is a goddamn piece of artwork, a beautiful creation made by the gods— or the devil.

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