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Phoenix Grey POV

"It was you." I say lowly. "Why didn't I think of this before.. of course it was you." 

It was like everything went quiet, the only sound I could hear was my thumping heart in my chest. She pretended to be me, took polyjuice potion to be me, why would she do that? Pansy is tormenting me every time I go near her, taking every chance to attempt to ruin my time at Hogwarts, we've fought physically twice now, and accidentally drugged George when she was after Fred attempting to hurt me— why hasn't she stopped the torment? 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Parkinson?" Draco seethes. He glares at Pansy with a face of disgust. 

Pansy's gaze is one of shock, green eyes flicking between me and Malfoy, her mouth quivering to speak, but no words come out. Just a mere 'I don't know what you're talking about'  was all she could say. I could tell how nervous she is, watching her as she shifted on the spot, moving her hair to the front of her chest to hide away the evidence on her neck. 

I scoff loudly at her, taking threatening step closer. "Oh please— you must be stupid to think I would believe that." I laugh.

Once again Pansy's mouth quivered to find her words, she's completely lost the ability to speak, which is surprising as she always seems to have something to say. I feel myself starting to bubble with fury, my teeth clench hard as my eyes boil into a deep red shade. I take another daring step towards her, and Pansy quickly turns and flees towards the door. 

"Phoenix, don't you dare" Draco says lowly, but I was to fixated on Pansy. Draco scrambles to grab me, but I slip out of his grip by removing my robe, leaving it in his hands as I bold after Pansy. 

I was hot on her heel, the wind blows my hair back as I run out into the courtyard, the sounds of mine and Pansy's feet hitting the concrete echos against the stone walls. Me chasing her and her panicked breathing grabs the attention of students, they all watch with inquisitive expressions and furrowed brows. 

As I got close enough, I pounced and tackled her to the ground, hitting the hard concrete with a thud. Pansy grunts and screams as she falls with me gripping her waist. I hear the students in the  court yard yelling 'fight', as we grab their attention. 

"Get off me you crazy bitch!" Pansy screams. I clamber on top of her, fighting her hands as they flail around trying to block me from hitting her. 

Fred Weasley POV

It felt like hours passed after Phoenix left to go speak to Malfoy, even though it had only been five minutes. I hated her being near him; I know he wants her, he's already kissed her once, and he would have done it again if that was really Phoenix yesterday. 

The memory of yesterday haunts me, knowing it wasn't her doesn't help at all, because looks wiseit was her. I never want to feel like that again, my heart ached and it felt as my world had fallen apart. 

I watch the door, awaiting for Phoenix to come back, but after some time she doesn't return. My mind begins to wonder.

"Surely it doesn't take this long to talk to someone." I state, turning my gaze towards the group. My fingers tap against the table as my knee shakes, I begin getting impatient. 

"Calm down mate— she'll be back soon." George chuckles, nudging me slightly. 

"Does someone care to explain why she's speaking to Draco anyway?" Hermione asks. 

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