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I want to say a huge thank you for 1 FREAKING MILLION READS! honestly I cannot believe it! Thank you thank you!
We're coming to the last chapter of this ending then I will move onto the alternative ending which I'm very excited about!
I love you guys so much and thank you for everything!
Stay sexy <3

{this chapter contains sexual content}

A few weeks later...

My head felt as if it were about to explode. Beginning my job as the Professor of Defence against the Dark Arts is creeping up on me like mist on a cold night, and I have never felt so unprepared.

My days since my trial have been filled with me cramming my brain with everything I needed to know about the Dark Arts, and what better way to spend it than in Draco's glorious library that he has in his flat. The room was small, but it accommodated more than enough books from the floor to ceiling shelves that are placed against the walls. Books are placed neatly on their shelves, the old spines peaking out with their titles engraved with gold, shining in the mid-afternoon sun.

I wasn't sure why McGonagall gave me this job, I never graduated and my strongest suit was Potions, but I was determined to show her that I could do this, that I could help the students protect themselves when in trouble, against the evil, just like I did.

I sit cross-legged in the large black leather chair, papers spewed out over the desk before me with notes and sketches written upon them. My hair is pulled back and held into place with Draco's wand, wearing comfortable joggers and an oversized Nirvana top.

"Darling, you can't spend all your time in here until you start teaching,"

I move only my eyes from my book to glance up at Draco, looking gorgeous as always wearing a white shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbows and some fitted deep grey trousers. He leans his shoulder against the doorway with his hands relaxed in his pockets.

"I will and you can't stop me," I say while glancing back down at my book, pulling the quill that sits in the pot of ink to jot down another note.

Truth was, I didn't want to leave the house at all. I had the press up against my ass for weeks now, and sometimes they would even show up at the twins' shop. The whole thing has given Fred and George really good advertisement and business has never been better for them, but now I once again cannot leave the house without a different face.

Draco lets out a deep chuckle, pushing himself away from the doorframe and gracefully striding over to the second leather armchair that sits opposite the large desk. While he rests his ankle on his knee, he looks over the piles of parchment, all with scribbles and jotted words upon them.

"Is all of this really useful?" He asks.

"Well, Mr Malfoy," I begin, shuffling through some of the piles of papers, trying to find a particular note I had made. "If you listened in class, you would have found a protection charm that you can create on yourself to prevent harm from anything other than the unforgivable curses,"

Draco looks at me with a bored look, "and?"

I raise from my seat, slapping the piece of parchment in front of him. "Well, you could have prevented us from being stabbed so many fucking times!"

Draco's bored look forms into a grin as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're the one who stabbed me,"

"Beside the point! And that was an accident!" I point a warning finger at him.

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