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I squint as the sun light pours into my room, making my eyes dilate as I wake. My throat is dry, and my head is sore from the fire whisky we had the night before. I had so much fun, although I am regretting my choices of having one too many, a lot of my memories are blurry from last night, I remember talking to Fred though, and laughing with him... then nothing.

I let out a groan as I lift up from my bed, turning my head towards where Hermione is sleeping, her lips parted slightly as she softly snores into her pillow. As my feet hit the cold floor, the chill sends goosebumps up my legs. I shiver slightly, and pad my way over to the shower room. My temples pulse; looking up at myself in the mirror, the bags under my eyes are more prominent, and my hair is messy. Tying my hair up into a high bun, I splash my face with some cold water, trying to refresh myself, then brush my teeth.

The common room is quiet, there are a few early risers, but they just sit quietly in the corner and read or do some other quiet activity. Getting back to my room, Hermione is still sleeping soundly. I am up early, so I take this chance to go out and explore throughout the school. I dress in a pair of black flared trousers along with a black, cropped jumper, rolling up the sleeves to my forearm.

Entering the large castle hallways, they are completely empty, even most of the painting are sleeping soundly, the ones that are awake all bid me a 'good morning'. The sun is starting to grow higher in the sky, making the freshly laid snow sparkle, and the cold air breezes through the open windows, sending a chill up my spine. I venture through the castle, memorising every turn and door I walk through, trying to imprint the map of Hogwarts in my mind.

As I walk through the corridors, I fall deep into my thoughts. The blurred memories of last night make me frustrated, but I remember the conversation I had with everyone, telling them about my time at my old school and that I trained in dance. A stab of sadness comes over me, wishing that Hogwarts had a dance class for witches and wizards, but I don't think those sort of class are very well suited for this school, whereas in Beauxbatons, it was apart of out curriculum.

Another large corridor I walk through, I could have sworn I have walked down here, these hallways are starting to all look the same now. I turn my back trying to remember where I came from and how to get back to my dorm. I continue my path, I'm sure that I will turn up somewhere that I remember. Finally finding my way back, I sit in a window sill near the Great Hall. I admire the grounds of Hogwarts, watching as the owls fly in and out of the clock tower, the view was beautiful from here.

I start to hear footsteps coming my way, which is the first time of hearing someone since I left my room. Peeking my head around the corner of the large windowsill, I see my dad. He is wearing his dark waistcoat along with his long flowing cloak over the top. He has seemed to have noticed me as he comes to a stop when he reaches my side.

"Good morning dad, how has your week been?" I say, as I smile up at him.

"Good morning Phoenix, it was pleasant, thank you." His voice is low, and he folds his arms over his chest. "I would ask what you're doing up so early for a Saturday, but I wanted to ask for a favour actually."

His words causes my face to scrunch up in confusion, I look up at him with narrowed eyes, confused to why he would ask me for a favour-- this never happens. "Really? You never ask me for anything." I chuckle.

"Well, as you may know the Yuel Ball is coming up soon--"

Again my face fall into a look of confusion. "The what?" I interrupt him, making him let out a huff.

"The Yule Ball, it is a tradition for the Triwizard Tournament. Anyway-- I have been asked to teach the Slytherin house to dance, and the favour I need, Phoenix, is if you could teach them for me?"

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