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A/N: Hey there guys, gals and non-binary pals!

It's been so freaking long and I'm so sorry for that real life sucks balls! But thank you for being soo patient and I love you all!

I know you missed me saying it...

Stay fucking sexy!

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I should have eaten... my body wasn't ready for the amount of alcohol that was to be consumed this evening, but here I am, slurring my words while drinking down the unknown drink that George had made me— possibly a concoction of ninety per cent vodka and ten per cent mixer by how I'm feeling.

Draco's glorious flat was filled with sparking energy, the large open floor of his grand living room was packed in with all the people that know and love Ginny, celebrating her birthday together.

Ginny— who is equally as drunk as me, sits next to me as she engages in conversation with Hermione. I just watch the two of them speak, watching their lips move as they dramatically chatter about something I wasn't too sure about.

The music boomed throughout the room, pulsing throughout my body, my heart beating along with the heavy base. I smile to myself, the beautiful sense of carelessness as the alcohol takes control.


I am startled out of my trance of watching my friends chatter to one another as Ginny is now cringing while Hermione laughs uncontrollably, slapping her knees as she flops back onto the soft sofa cushion.

I let out a small giggle, "What?"

"Well— I wanted to ask—" Hermione began.

"NO! I don't want to know!" Ginny gagged.

"Oh come off it Gin— I'm curious," Hermione smirks while Ginny rolls her eyes. "I wanted to know who was better... Fred or Draco?"

My eyes widen as my mouth gapes wide, feeling my face flush even more than it already has.

"He's my bloody brother!"

"Yes— but they are both also the two most crushed on boys when we were in school... and our lovely Phoenix has had them both." Hermione finishes with another smirk, flicking her eyes towards me for an answer.

Ginny groans while coving her face with her hands. I meet Hermione's curious eyes, waiting eyes.

"It's Ginny's birthday, let's talk about how the famous Harry Potter is in the bedroom?" I try my best to change the conversation.

"Ew no!" Hermione exclaims, her nose scrunching in disgust. "He's like a brother to me!"

Ginny throws out her hands while I tut and shake my head at her, sitting myself up straight. "When did you become so nosey— and such a gossip, Granger?"

Hermione just smiles at me, her face usually flushing at such a question, but the alcohol gave her confidence... I liked it.

"They are... very similar," I state, slumping myself back while taking another sip from my tiny straw, gulping back the clear drink that burned my throat.

"Shove off, Phee!" Hermione scoffs, her face making me almost spit out my drink.

"Okay okay!" I sit back up. "Fred was..."

Ginny quickly shoves her fingers in her ears while she sang loudly to block out what I was about to say.

I roll my eyes and turn toward Hermione, who was giggling at Ginny. "He knew how to do everything right, the way he did it all was... heaven," I sighed, remembering the times I spent with Fred.

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