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A/N: Hey guys, so I was having a small mental fight with myself last night and I really beat myself up about this story, criticising everything that I have written and annoyed at myself about making this story so long, which made me think about the future of this story, because I have so much planned still. 

I want to ask if you are happy with how the story is going, do you mind it being long? 

I think I've thought about all of these different scenarios for this story is because I don't want to let it go. 

This story continues post war, and I wanted to know if you want me to continue it onto another book as well or keep it together as one? 

I really hope you are still enjoying this story and I love you all so so much, don't forget to comment and vote <3 


Over the next few days, I felt nothing but guilt. Guilty that Fred was too busy with me rather than being by his father's side any earlier. George's face as we walked towards him would never leave my mind, the paleness of his skin and the worry in his eyes, it made my stomach tie in knots. 

Arthur was very fortunate to survive the attack, thanks to Harry. I feel bad for him, he hasn't really been himself since this dream he had— or more like a vision. I am just hoping for a nice winter break for all of us to break away from all the stressors. 

I needed this break, Umbridge has had her hand around everyones neck since becoming suspicious about our DA meetings. I feel that an extra firm grip has been placed around mine, she knows somethings going on and due to the events that have taken place because of me, so she is not taking any chances. 

After getting my trunk packed, I head down towards the Great Hall to meet my father. The noise from the wheels of my trunk grumbles as it rolls along the ground. The cold winter air bites my cheeks as it flows through the large empty hallway. 

I suddenly hear footsteps from behind me, which quickly spikes my pulse. I furrow my brow and turn towards the sound. It was Professor Trelawney, scurrying towards me. 

"Miss Grey— wait!" She exclaims. The noise of her many bracelets and necklaces jingle as she scuttles my way. 

"Professor? What's going on?" I ask. Trelawney comes over to me quickly, instantly taking my hand in hers, encasing my palm as she mutters lowly to herself. 

"M-My dear, you are in danger.. I'm sorry— He's coming for you." 

My heart sank, I didn't know what to say or think. The only feeling I felt was fear, my own and Trelawney's fear, my eyes instantly change as emotion swept over me. I felt sick, scared.. terrified. I could hear my heart as it hit my chest with force, beating frantically. My mouth quivered as I tried to find words, but nothing came out, there was nothing in my head apart from fear. 

The words I heard from my father at the start of the year comes back to me, replaying in my mind over and over. 

I am uncertain that I can keep her safe any longer.

"Are you ready, Phoenix?" My dad's voice breaks the pulse in my ears, tearing me away from the darkness that I felt consume me as Trelawney glared at me with wide eyes. 

Quickly snapping my gaze away from her, I met eyes with my father. He soothes me, my dad is here, keeping me safe, he has to keep me safe— he's my dad. I swallow back all the fear and anxiety I was feeling and pull my lips into a tight smile, I didn't want him to be worrying, I wanted to have Christmas with him at least. 

Turning my gaze back to Trelawney, I suck in a shaky breath and pull my hand away from hers. "Have a good Christmas— Professor." I mutter, then walk away. 

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