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A/N: Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long!

I want to thank most of you for being so patient with me, I really appreciate it!

I have worked out a great way of creating two endings, so for you guys, I will be ending this story with both Draco and Fred (which is what I wanted as well because I couldn't decide hehe). So that means this story is going to be extra longggg, I hope that's okay?

I also want to know, what's your favourite part of Little Phoenix so far? I would love to know your most-loved moments!

In this chapter there is a scene that I have found inspiration from the film Wolf on Wall Street if you haven't watched it, it's a great film, and this one scene is my favourite and I'm sure you'll know what part I'm talking about when you read it!

Please enjoy and as always <3 Stay Sexy <3

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Fred Weasley POV

I sit at the table watching Nix and George dance and sing stupidly while the music blared out around us. He looked happy, it had been such a long time since I have seen him this happy, it makes me even more thankful that Nix was back.

Soon the music slowed and I watched as George whipped Phoenix around and shove her into the arms of Malfoy. I didn't want to admit it— but they looked good together, it hurt my heart to think it in my head and it enraged my blood but it was all I could think about.

I got a tap on the shoulder as everyone began to slowly move along to the wonderful singing of Cyndi Lauper. I turn to see my mum, she beams down at me with her wonderful, warm smile.

"Let's have a dance, shall we?" She says to me, holding out her hand for me to take.

I chuckle at her and take her hand before leading us to the dance floor where the rest of the couples dance slowly. George is dancing with Fleur's sister, Ginny with Harry, Ron with Hermione, everyone was together— enjoying the evening.

Mum places her hand on my shoulder and we begin to sway along to the music. She rests her head on my chest and I hear her begin to hum along to the music as we danced.

I couldn't keep my eyes away from Nix and Malfoy. I watched as he held her close, her head against his chest, his hands around her waist— I couldn't make myself look away.

"Darling, staring at her is not going to help you," Mum speaks up making me blink out of my trance.

"What? I wasn't—" I flick my eyes down at her and she cocks her brow up at me.

"I'm your mother— I know you like the back of my hand, Frederick Weasley." Mum gave me a knowing stare.

I let out a breathy laugh and shake my head down at her, finally admitting my defeat.

"Can I be honest with you, darling?"

I swallow hard, knowing that the truth from mum isn't going to be easy to hear. I nod down at her while I begin chewing on the inside of my mouth.

"You need to stop blaming her for leaving— the poor girl never had a choice in any of this," Mum began. "I know you loved her— Georgie was the same. But you are in a relationship Freddie, you moved yourself on with Vanessa, Phoenix is allowed to do the same. It doesn't matter if she's with a Malfoy— you need to be her friend, she needs you."

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