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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you're staying sexy?

I firstly want to apologise for not posting sooner, I have been super busy with work and trying to get my routine sorted again after three months off! But I feel that I am now back into a normal routine and using my time off to write <3

I have said before that I have been thinking about doing two alternate endings, and I now think I know how I am going to do this. I think I am going to put a point in the story where the alternate ending will begin and then write that after my original ending is finished, but it will be like another story with a whole load of other chapters, but I have so many ideas and it will be making this story SUPER long hehe...

Hope this sounds good and I hope you enjoy the new chapter, I will be doing some more writing tomorrow and hopefully will be able to get the next one out for you soon <3


Stay sexy my glorious people <3

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Draco Malfoy POV

I feel Phoenix squirming next to me which pulls me away from my dreamless sleep. I crack an eye open to see the room filled with daylight, the morning sun lighting the walls with a golden glow.

I inhaled deeply through my nose and allow the scent of Phoenix to dance around my nostrils, her sweet yet fruity scent is intoxicating, it's like a drug to me, I wanted to have her smell around me all the time.

Phoenix squirms again and she sucks in a sharp breath which alerts me. My head shoots up to look over her face and I could see her eyes screwed up. I place a soothing hand on her cheek but she squirmed again.

"No! No— please!" Phoenix mumbled, her voice laced with pain.


She's having a nightmare.

Phoenix sucked in another breath as if it were painful to do so and gripped the covers with all her strength, her knuckles growing white as she clenched her fist around the duvet.

"Phoenix— love?"

I lightly nudged her in an attempt to get her to wake up while still smoothing my thumb over her cheek. She looked like she was in pain, her teeth gritted together while her eyes screwed shut. I wanted to help her, to take these awful nightmares away from her, but I couldn't.

"Please— stop!" The pain was etched in her voice, cracking with emotion.

I started to see tears leak from her closed eyes and she let out a small sob. I sat up and twisted so I was now kneeling over her, placing both of my hands on her face, wiping away the tears that fell down her cheeks.

"Phoenix, it's me— I'm here— wake up." I coo. Her sobs and pained facial expressions make my heartache, feeling as if someone is stabbing it repeatedly.

Phoenix's eyes suddenly spring open while her breathing was chaotic. Her hands immediately lifted and grab my wrists tightly while I continued to stroke her face. As her eyes met mine, there was no colour in her iris's— just black.

"I'm here— shh." I hushed her as she let out a few more sobs, the tears flowing fully down her face, her breath hiccuping in her throat as she cried.

I scoop her up in my arms bridal style and sit crosslegged on the bed, wrapping my arms around her petite frame as she wept against my chest. I hushed and rocked her until she finally calmed down enough for her breathing to go back to normal and her tears to stop.

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