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"Phee... wake up."

"Psst Phee."

I jolt awake, my heart thrumming against my chest. I was on instant alert and quickly ignite my magic in my palms before my eyes even opened.

I squint to adjust my eyes and find George standing beside my bed, he wears his pyjama bottoms and a loose fitted top with his hair all tussled. I furrow my brow and look over to the other bed where Draco continues to sleep soundly.

"George— what the heck?" I mumble, my voice is all croaky and hoarse. I put my hand back down and allow my magic to die off. "What time is it?"

"Two-thirty— I missed you, can I stay here?" He whispered.

I blink up at him. "What? No— George, go back to bed."

He doesn't listen and begins to pull back my duvet while climbing into my bed.

"George— no!" I shout in a whisper. I begin pushing him on the shoulder to attempt to get him out of my bed.

Shh! You've let me before— don't fight me!"

George slumps down and gets himself cosy on my pillow, his long limbs wrapping over me and pulling me in. He smelled like a burning fire with a hint of sweetness, I take a big inhale of his beautiful scent.

George smacks his lips and snuggles his head on the pillow. We are face to face with each other and I see him crack an eye open, giving me his classic George Weasley smirk.

"Love you, Phee."

"Yeah— you're lucky I love you too."

My body was usually awake by this time but my eyes felt heavy. George's steady breathing began as he falls asleep and I could feel myself drifting before allowing sleep to take over my whole body.

The moment my eyes fluttered open again, the room was filled with the morning sun. I could hear shuffling from across the room and it was Draco pulling on the black fitted shirt that he wears for fighting. It has been fixed by Molly from where the arrow pierced a hole, though now it looks good as new.

George is still sleeping next to me and I attempt to wriggle my way out of his entangled limbs. Draco meets eyes with me and gives me a warm smile.

"That's the first time I've seen you sleep throughout the night." He said while pulling on his Dragonhide vest. "He's rather fond of you."

I clamber over him as I climb out of bed. George squirms and snuggles himself further into the pillow soon going back to his soft breathing.

"And I'm fond of him— I don't know what I'd do without him." I smile at Draco then turn my gaze back to George.

I felt refreshed, not a single bad dream came to me while I slept, my body didn't automatically wake up at three in the morning, it had been so long since I slept fully throughout the night. I yawn and stretch then begin pulling on my trousers, sliding them on under my baggy shirt.

As I go to lift my shirt I flick my gaze to Draco, who continues to stand while leaning against the wall, gazing at me with dark eyes. I hesitate and narrow my eyes at him.

"Turn around."

"Darling— I've seen you naked." He says in a low tone. I continue to glare at him until he lets out a long sigh and opens the bedroom door. "Meet me outside."

I take another glance at George, seeing him still sleeping soundly, and I quickly remove my shirt and pull on my fitted, long sleeve black one before buckling on my corset, followed by the chaps, arm cuffs and boots.

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