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George Weasley POV

She left.

She left again.

I felt that familiar sting in my heart after she disappeared into nothingness, leaving me staring down at the floor where Phoenix once stood. My sadness soon turned into frustration and anger as Fred continued to call after me while he stood at the door of the shop— it boiled my blood.

Why did she have to go again? The first time was hard enough and now having her leave again has torn open the wounds in my heart— the wounds that I found to finally heal.

Phoenix accidentally exposed herself— she was in disguise. Her cover was blown until she looked up at Fred... while he was with Vanessa.

Fuck. I can't imagine what she would have felt, no wonder her eyes were changing— she was angry... probably heartbroken.

After our dramatic— yet awesome act of recklessness, and getting ourselves kicked out of Hogwarts; which was fine with us as we had the plans of creating our now successful shop, we spent most evenings in the Leaky Cauldron, where Fred and I would get our ideas and plans together before the shops grand opening. That is where Fred met Vanessa.

I don't get their relationship. She has an odd attitude towards the rest of us when Fred isn't around, especially towards Hermione— which Ron has called out but Fred won't listen, so they don't come over when she's here. I've wished for months that Phoenix would come back because I knew she wouldn't take any of Vanessa's crap, will probably not hesitate to kick her teeth in if she so weirdly glances at Hermione.

"George! What are you doing mate?" Fred's voice yells over the commotion of the busy street. I pull myself away from the thoughts, wiping away the stray tear that falls down my cheek and make my way back to the shop.

"Who was that?" Fred asks.

"No one," I mutter. I couldn't tell him— not now. For the time being, I had to get away from the shop floor, I felt too upset and angry to face the public.

I quickly storm up the stairs and hide in the office, slumping in the chair behind the desk, I try to use myself with paperwork, attempting to take my mind off Phoenix. When she left the first time, I had to be strong for Fred— he loved her and he lost a bit of himself that day. But I don't think anyone realises how much I loved her too, but it wasn't the same way Fred loved her— the sort of a way she was his soulmate and my platonic soulmate. Phoenix was the balance between me and Fred.

We were never meant to be romantic but just meant to be best friends. Love can exist without romance. When Phoenix left— I was also broken, but I had to hold Fred together because I don't think anyone else could hold him up. It hurt me when he started dating Vanessa, but we didn't know if Phoenix would ever come back.

No one could ever replace Phoenix, she was meant to be with Fred, and meant to be in my life.

The hours passed by quickly while I was in the office, keeping my mind focused on paperwork and not on the thing that is making my heartache. Then it finally came the time we could close the shop for the day. After shutting off the lights and letting the staff go for the evening, I didn't feel like talking to Fred, so I make a quick getaway and run up the stairs to the flat while Fred finishes cashing up the till.

I needed a shower— I needed to wash away all these bad feelings, the pain that is coming back stronger than before. Phoenix infested my mind and all the question reel over and over; Is she ok? Where is she? What is she doing? Is she safe? I bang my fist against the shower wall as my frustration builds.

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