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I cannot explain how much I've missed you!! And I cannot thank you enough for being sooo patient with me! I really needed a break and I'm so glad I took the time to focus on myself and also develop my writing by getting back into reading!

I definitely feel like my writing has changed and I am actually proud of how much I have developed, but I hope you enjoy and please let me know if you love this chapter and if you've noticed a change in writing at all <3

I am also creeping up to 1 freaking million which I cannot believe! I think there might be one more chapter until we move onto the epilogues and the alternate ending of course!

I think I will do a rewrite on this story after I am finished now I have developed in writing but I wanted to know if you wanted me to change it on the original story or make a whole new book based on the rewrite?

Give me thoughts on what you think or want to happen at the end of Little Phoenix, I would love to hear your ideas <3

I will stop rambling and let you read on now, but again thank you so much and ILY!!

And also...


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"Are you alright?"


I step out of the fireplace as the green flames subside, allowing my body to shapeshifter back into my usual self. There was a ringing in my ears from all of the commotions at The Ministry, it was all still lively, even after my hearing with the minister. People continued to brush glitter and dust off their suits and dresses, while a large crowd of reporters crowded around a door where I was expected to come out of.

The ringing in my ears seemed even louder from how silent The Burrow was. My senses tingled as I morphed my body; hair prickling from brown to white, eyes bleeding into another shade, body changing.

I walk into the arms of Draco as he questions my wellness— and to be honest, I've never felt better. From being under the watch of Voldemort, always wondering when he would strike, questioning if he would kill me at any point of the day to then coming home after trying to live my life freely to once again be under the watch of The Ministry— it has been exhausting. But now I am totally and utterly free.

Shaking out of my daydream, I notice the warmth of The Burrow and the smell of Draco around me, the sounds of The Weasley family cheering, the pop of a champagne bottle going off in the distance, it made it all real.

Draco's silver eyes gleam in the golden sun, looking down at me with so much care and love. His softness shone through his hard exterior. I glance around, watching the family of redheads pouring champagne into glasses, the smiles on their faces, their happiness for me, it brings tears to my eyes.

I allow my lips to form into a smile, showing my teeth as I grin from ear to ear. Looking up at Draco whose worried eyes melt away from the sight of my wide smile, mimicking me, showing off his perfect teeth.

"I am perfect," I say lowly and his body relaxes completely— finally after all this time, after everything we've been through.

He plants a kiss on top of my hair before Molly appears at my side. Her warm hazel eyes were full of sparkling joy, brimming with tears. Her lips hold a small smile and she hands me a glass of champagne.

"Oh, I am so happy for you darling girl, I couldn't be happier," She says, her voice wobbling with emotion as her eyes fill once more with tears, threatening to stream down her cheeks before she catches them with a fabric handkerchief.

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