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A/N: I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my previous chapter, I loved writing that one.

I wanted to ask about theories for the future of this story AND if you want the ending to be DracoxNix or FredxNix? I would love to know!

ALSO, I want you to know that I haven't killed Sirius, I wanted to follow that storyline at first but for what I am planning he's going to be alive.

ILY guys <3 Stay Sexy <3



Arthur lowers his wand slightly as his eyes adjust. Remus continues to hold his tight glare while aiming his wand at Draco and me.

"Arthur, we don't know if it's truly her!" Remus spits.

Draco was getting weaker, most of his weight was on me and our size difference made it all the more difficult for me to hold him up.

I didn't know what to do— Draco was losing consciousness fast. My heart was pounding against my chest.

"Arthur— Arthur gifted me a muggle contraption... it was called a walkman!" I uttered. It was all I could think of for them to believe that it was me.

Arthur gives a short nod to Remus and they both lower their wands. I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding before Draco slumps fully onto me. I stumble slightly and let out a low grunt as his full body weight topples over.

Remus and Arthur spring into action and lift Draco off of me. They place an arm each around their shoulders and carries him into the burrow which I follow in suit.

"MOLLY! We need you!" Arthur calls out.

My anxiety was through the roof, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. Please be okdon't die. I replayed those thoughts in my mind over and over, hoping that I wouldn't lose him— I can't lose him.

As I walk over to Draco's side while Remus and Arthur place him down onto a chair in the kitchen, Molly walks in. As soon as her eyes met mine, they grew wide.

"Phoenix?— Oh my dear!" She rushes over and crashes me into a bone-crushing hug. I could feel her beginning to shake as she sobbed. I had to hold back my tears as she somewhat reminded me of Gale— no I can't think of her right now— Draco— think about saving Draco.

"Molly!" Remus urged. "This boy needs help!"

She turns while wiping her eyes and looks down at Draco. "Oh, my word!" Molly yelped and immediately pulls out her wand.

With a quick flick, a bag comes flying over to her. She places it on the kitchen table and rifles through the contents, but the sound of the clicking glass bottles told me that it was filled with potions and other medical supplies.

She pulled out two bottles and poured them down Draco's throat, which he swallows. He wasn't fully unconscious yet so she made quick work in giving him potions for the pain. I run my fingers through his hair as Molly kneels to look at the arrow sticking through his ribs.

"It's poison— there's poison in the shaft of the arrow and it's leaking into his blood. I have to get it out— now." She says while grabbing tea towels from the cupboard.

"Shall I stun him?" Remus says while grabbing his wand once again.

"No— the shock might break the arrow!" Molly exclaims. "I'll have to pull it through while he's still semiconscious, the calming draught will help as well as the pain relief."

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