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A/N: Hey guys! Another post on the same day, don't say I never treat you ;) 

I want to thank you all for the love and support on my last chapter, I honestly love every single one of you! 

This is a rather boring but helpful chapter, just to get to understand where Phoenix is... so enjoy. 

P.S. Stay sexy x 

One and a Half Years Later...

Living beside the sea is serine. Completely and utterly tranquil. 

As I lay in bed while the early morning sun rises in the sky, it's beams break through my curtains in small rays, one of them aiming directly in my eyes. I could hear the ocean from my bed, the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand, over and over, the calm repetition of the ocean brings me peace— peace that I had finally found after a year and a half since leaving my whole life behind. 

"Dad, where are we?" I ask him, wiping away my tears with my sleeve. 

It was dark and the moon was full, lighting up certain things that I could make out to be a small alleyway, as my eyes adjusted we had been standing outside a house, the windows were dark as if there was no one home. My dad took my wrist and pulled me down the small, stone staircase towards the front door. 

He used the door knocker to bang on the door twice. As we waited my dad was looking around us as if we were to be followed. I daren't say a word, I couldn'tthere was nothing more to say, I left everything behind, and it hurt my soul. 

After a few moments, the door opened slowly. A woman, who was wearing old burgundy robes stands before us, with her grey hair tied up in a high bun, and she wore small round glasses on her nose. She held a candle before her to lowly light up the doorway, and as her eye connected with my fathers, I seen them grow wide verso slightly. 

"Severus?" She whispered, her voice was soft and calm, but her eyes darted around, the same way my father had done. When she was happy that the coast was clear, she quickly allowed us to enter. 

As we entered, the house was warm and homely. My dad took my robe from me, taking the hood down and hanging it up on the coat hook. As soon as my robe was removed, I head a soft gasp come form the woman. 

"My word, it's true." She says softly, looking at me with admiration. I merely flick my eyes to my dad, unsure of who this lady is. 

"Apologies Gale, this couldn't wait any longer." My dad says lowly.

"Of course Severus do you know if he's got into her mind at all?"  Her question makes my heart spike with fear once more. My mind? Why would he get into my mind? 

"I believe he is more interested in the boy at this timebut he has seen enough through his mind I'm sure." 

The lady who dad said to be called Gale nods slowly, then takes in a large breath. "Would you like some tea?" 

"I cannot stay Gale, but I will come ever other Thursday, like we had discussed." 

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