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I slowly wake up to the feeling of someone lifting me off the ground, I must have blacked out. I'm exhausted, unable to lift my head, or even lift a finger.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" I hear Hermione, her voice sounds worried.

"It's Phoenix we're talking about, she can get through anything." Fred says, he is the one carrying me, suddenly I feel completely relaxed, knowing that he is the one saving me. Saving me from my darkness, once again.

"Not a word about this to anyone, not even her father." He says sternly, I hear the voices of everyone else, George, Ron and Harry. My heart swells knowing that they are all here.

I begin to loose consciousness, the darkness engulfing me once again.

All I hear is the whooshing sounds of water. It gets louder at I awaken, the smell of lavender and soap hits my nose, inhaling it deeply. My eyes flutter open, the soft lights of candles fill the room, focussing my eyes I find myself in a large bathroom, large taps fill a pool like bath, sending bubbles up in the air.

I'm on a bench against the wall, weakly turning my head, I see the back of Fred. He's shirtless, dipping his hand in the water. I go to move, but I feel a pain shoot across my ribs, making me suck in a breath, letting it out in a groan.

Fred quickly turns, instantly comes to my side, his eyes full of worry. "Hey, I got you." He grabs my hand, to which I quickly pull away. I don't want to hurt him.

"Freddie, I don't want to hurt you." I whisper, it's all I could manage, my voice is weak. He looks back at me, his eyes filled with worry, but he pulls his lips into a smile.

"You could never hurt me, Phoenix."

Slowly grabbing my hand again, my skin prickles, feeling his emotions run through my body, the anxiety and worry he's feeling brings tears to my eyes. I let out a sob, and all he does is bring my hand to his lips, gently planting a soft kiss on my knuckles.

Fred lifts me up, making me sit up. He grabs the hem of my jumper, lifting it over my head, the cold air sends goosebumps along my skin. Making me stand, my knees slightly shake, Fred quickly pulls my jeans down, so I can sit back down. Leaving me in my underwear, he wraps his arms around me and lifts me effortlessly off the bench.

His skin is warm, I rest my forehead on his chest as he carries me over to the large bath. He doesn't bother to undress out of his joggers. Fred steps into the bath, then leans down to allow the water to engulf me.

The water is heavenly, I let out a soft moan as the water washes over my skin. I sit against the wall of the bath, while Fred kneels in front of me, watching me with his warm eyes.

"You really worried me, Phoenix..." He says softly, making my eyes once again prick with tears. He lifts his hand out of the water to swipe them away with his thumb. "But, you also impressed the hell out of me."

I shake my head, letting out a scoff. "Phoenix, you have power I'm sure no one has seen before." Fred puts his hand under my chin, making me face him.

"I lost control Fred, I- I could've killed someone." My voice cracks as the tears stream down my face.

Fred shakes his head slowly. "Moody pushed you too far, you reacted out of anger."

I sniff, running my hands through my hair. Fred moves behind me, slipping me between his legs. He grabs a goblet from the edge of the bath, filling it with water, he pours it over my hair, using his hand under my chin to tip my head back. Fred grabs some shampoo, pouring it into his hands, lathering it and begins to wash my hair.

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